Discovery Leads To Woman's Breasts As The Fastest Body Part To Age

By Auj Lazaro | Nov 16, 2013 | 11:05 AM EST

A recent study from UCLA scientists reveals that women's breasts are the fastest body part to grow old. This may sound like bad news for the female species but the brighter side about it is that this discovery can lead to an effective way of slowing down the natural aging process.

Professor Steve Horvath from the David Geffen School of Medicine in UCLA invented a clock that will help their team of scientists measure how each body part ages in terms of speed. From "the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidney and cartilage," they relied on a clock that will keep time of the aging process of the human body, the Daily Mail UK reports.

With this, Prof Horvath unraveled the truth that it was the breast tissue of the woman that aged the fastest than the rest. He even added that it's about two to three years older than the rest of the body parts of every woman. He also discovered along the experiment that the speed rate of the clock varies according to the age of the person as well. Hence, it made him think of the possibility that stopping the ageing clock of the body will also slow down its ageing process or if it does, will it have any adverse effects like the increase rate of cancer? Medical Daily emphasizes that this is one of the most promising and impressive parts of the study of Prof Horvath.

NY Daily News added that the study also discovered that kids who have Progeria, the genetic disorder that makes kids age fast, have matching age of their cells to their chronological age. As part of the principle, it leads to the probable fact that the biological clock of every human body can turn to rewind mode and start from zero.

As for now, the rest of the team believes that the discovery to stop the natural aging process still requires a lot of research in the long run.

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