How to Stay Healthy This Christmas Season? Here are 7 Tips to Stay Fit

By Auj Lazaro | Nov 27, 2013 | 22:29 PM EST

The Christmas season is not just a time for shopping and celebrating, but also a time for eating. This is why many prepare for its arrival by following several tips that will help them stay fit and healthy without compromising your right to enjoy the perks of the holiday season.

Here are top 7 tips you can remind yourself of:

Tip 1

Drink some tea. There is no better all natural cure to a possible indigestion than by drinking some tea made from the fresh of herbs. Canadian Living even specifically recommended meadowsweet tea.

Tip 2

There's nothing wrong in getting a flu shot. The same health site also recommended for most to get a flu shot before Yuletide. Flu cases become rampant in this season due to the cold and chilly weather. And no matter how healthy you are, there is a high chance of catching a flu when you start hanging around in venues and places which are crowded, with some who may already have the virus.

Tip 3

Get a lot of sleep. Many overlook the importance of resting and sleeping when there are so many parties and gatherings to attend. Usually when a person becomes too happy or excited, it is common for him or her to get too hyped up that they find it hard to sleep at night. So relax, take a deep breath, just chill and enjoy the rest of the Christmas season, notes My Spring Day.

Tip 4

Take some time to walk. Wall Cheat Sheet offers a very interesting article featuring tips from health experts who have handled diet plans and fitness training of a number of celebrities. Harsley Pasternak recommends parking away from restaurants or venues where you will attend parties. This will help shed some extra fat walking while enjoying the cold breeze of the season.

Tip 5

Drink up lots of water and not only cocktails. Hollywood trainer Kathy Kaehler wrote in Fitness Magazine that it is important to watch what you drink as well. She tells readers to drink a glass of water before and after each cocktail to quench thirst.

Tip 6

Actively train with your family. This just means that Christmas is not about eating, it is also about spending lots of quality time with your loved ones. This could be in the form a vacation, skiing, swimming out of town, dancing and a lot more.

Tip 7

Don't abuse the season, don't abuse yourself. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the activities and the food that Christmas can offer, just make sure that you keep yourself on track by not overdoing things, like eating.

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