10 Anti-Aging Foods To Keep You Looking Young

By MaiPeralta | Mar 16, 2015 | 08:26 AM EDT

There are no secrets to looking young, even those blessed with good genes. According to Mayo Clinic, aging is a natural process of living and we all will inevitably go through the motions of saggy skin and wrinkles when the time comes.

But until then, we can delay the process with discipline, good personal upkeep habits, nutritious food, and regular physical activity, the National Institute of Aging noted. Keeping fit and eating healthily, after all, are requisites to keeping your youthful visage a little while longer.

Medical News Today explains that the modern world is now well-equipped to surgically revert a person's physique. But at what cost?

If you're into all-natural ways to looking young and feeling healthy, then take note of the anti-aging foods listed below:

1. Berries

According to the research scientists at the United States Department of Agriculture, most berries have anti-aging properties, but blueberries have the richest source of anthocyanins that helps in rejuvenating the processes in the brain that promotes brain health.

2. Soymilk, Tofu, and Edamame

These foods are well-loved by vegetarians and with good reason as they all contain phytoestrogens, according to Phycisians Committee for Responsible Medicine. These are plant compounds that slow down aging process and help keep skin flexible according to breastcancer.org.

3. Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi fruit is a versatile fruit that contains more vitamin C than oranges. Kiwi fruit can also maintain clear skin, neutralize free radicals and neutralize free radicals, notes Cosmetics Design Asia.

4. Dark Chocolate

Getting your chocolate fix isn't as bad as you think it is, as long as you take dark chocolate in moderation. According to World Health, a team from the University of Milan says dark chocolate contains flavanols and resveratrol a potent type of antioxidant.

5. Spinach

Spinach contains anti-aging properties and vitamin K, which is said to help prevent osteoporosis according to Katherine Tucker, PhD, from Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University in Boston. One cup of fresh spinach can provide 1 ½ times your daily nutritional need for leafy greens, notes Family Circle.

6. Almonds

Almonds are a great source of antioxidants that can help lower cholesterol, vitamin E, iron, and zinc. According to Science Daily, eating almonds can also reduce the risk of heart disease. Almonds contain nutrients that contain anti-aging properties packed into every nut.

7. Flax Seeds

According to Mens Fitness, flax seeds are full of omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, and zinc. You can grind these fresh and sprinkle on the food of your choice as these seeds contain high levels of dietary fiber.

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