Spring Cleaning Checklist 2015 for Your Kitchen to Help You Lose Weight

By Staff Writer | Mar 30, 2015 | 12:10 PM EDT

As it begins to feel warm, the presence of winter is slowly melting away. The long awaited spring season is a perfect time to de-clutter the house to welcome the new season on the right foot. Whether or not you've been hoarding comfort foods all winter, now would be the great time to reorganize and restock your food supply to help you get back on track to achieve your fitness goals.

Here is a spring cleaning checklist for the kitchen:

Defrost and De-clutter Your Freezer

Throw food items that already formed ice crystals on them. These foods do not taste great anymore and their nutrients are already gone. A great tip from a Huffington Post article is to buy lean beef and chicken because these can last up to nine months if frozen. You can also fill in the freezer with frozen fruits to add to cereals, smoothies, and yogurt. Add in frozen vegetables on hand as well.

Purge and Re-organize Your Fridge

In addition to frozen produce, it's nice to have the fresh variety as well. If junk is cluttering your fridge, throw away those high-calorie foods that you'd be tempted to eat later. Revamp your fridge with good food so you'll be able to make healthier meal choices. A FitBit article says that it is important to fill your fridge with foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, almond milk, eggs, hummus, miso, and low-fat Greek yogurt.

Sort and Restock Your Kitchen Cupboards

When was the last time you checked the expiry dates of the items on your cupboard? If you're not sure how long they've been there, toss them out. When you've done reorganizing your cabinets, it's time to restock it with stuff you'll actually need.

According to US Health News, great cupboard mainstays should include beans, high-fiber cereal, canned tuna, nuts, olive oil, whole wheat pasta and crackers, low-fat mayonnaise and natural almond or peanut butters. If you feel like buying snack food, go for popcorn and nuts.

According to a blog by Angelique Panagos, it would also be a good idea to stock your pantry with herbs and spices to make your low-calorie home cooked meals taste well. Seasonings such as coriander, garlic, rosemary, basil, parsley, salt, black pepper, ginger, and cinnamon are basic ingredients you can store for later use.

The right way to healthy eating is stocking your kitchen with nutritious food items. Kick start spring the right way by taking the right direction to healthier living.

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