12 Sports Benefits for Children's Health

By Staff Writer | Mar 30, 2015 | 12:03 PM EDT

Children need physical activity to greatly improve their motor skills, and the best way to incorporate fun and exercise is through sports. According to Better Health Channel, the more active the child, the more they are likely to turn to physically active adults. Aside from reducing inactivity, sports yields many additional health benefits such as the following:

1.) Reduced Risk of Obesity

Involvement in strenuous physical activity results in better overall fitness in kids. When children are involved in sports, they spend less time being sedentary.

2.) Increased Cardiovascular Fitness

The exercise brought about by doing sports is beneficial for the cognitive growth of children. According to Mercola, it increases blood and oxygen flow to the brain and increase endorphin levels.

3.) Healthier Bone Density

The movement of muscles, ligaments, and tendons helps in the healthy growth of bones. Weight-bearing exercises also contribute to maintaining the body's bone density, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation.

4.) Improved Coordination and Balance

Participation in sports involves the coordination of our senses, especially the hands and eyes. Sports training can help improve balance and coordination, according to BrianMac.

5.) Improved Sleep

Increased physical activity can lead to better sleep.  According to Aspetar, the more physically demanding the sport, the better the sleep quality.

6.) Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem

According to a study by Psychology Today, sports can help develop self-esteem and confidence in players as they gain accomplishments in the activity.

7.) Improved Social Skills

In addition to confidence and self esteem, participating in sports can teach players how to interact with their fellow athletes. According to PsychCentral, early exposure to sports can foster empathy and leadership skills.

8.) Improved Personal Development

Among the many non-physical benefits of sports is better personal development. According to EssentialLifeSkills.net, participation in sports helps build character, teaches analytical and strategic thinking, and develop leadership skills to name a few.

9.) Understand the Value of Exercise

According to Live Strong, children who are active in sports burn calories and are more likely to eat healthier food. Through sports, they learn how important exercise is for the body.

10.) Increased Academic Orientation

In a review by Education Week, a study showed that there is a strong link between physical activity and academic success. Children who are more physically active are more likely to achieve improved academic performance.

11.) Improved Immune System

Any type of exercise can help improve the body's immune system because it helps the immune system fight off bacterial and viral infections and decreases your chances of developing osteoporosis, heart ailments, and some types of cancer, according to Medline Plus.

12.) Learn How To Compete

Sports participations teach children how to participate in the real world. According to Chicago Now, playing sports is a great way for them to understand how a competition works.

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