Cervical Cancer Prevention: 10 Healthy Diet Tips to Prevent Disease

By Staff Writer | Apr 08, 2015 | 08:28 AM EDT

The incidence of cervical cancer is increasing every year and it is estimated that 12,900 women in the United States would be diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2015, according to a study. Sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most common cause of cervical cancer in women, reports Web MD

Though the cervical cancer is a debilitating and life threatening disease, preventive measure for the same is right at home. Here are the 10 healthy diet tips for cervical cancer prevention.

1. Add food rich in flavonoids.

Flavonoids are known for their ability to provide protection to the body against cancer. Foods rich in flavonoids are apples, black beans, garlic, brussels, sprouts, onions, spinach, cranberries, broccoli, lima beans, cabbage, asparagus, soy and lettuce, according to Everyday Health.

2. Add food rich in folate.

Folate helps in reducing cancer risk by fighting HPV in the body. Foods that are rich in folate are strawberries, avocados, lentils, chickpeas, orange juice, fortified cereals and breads and Romaine lettuce.

3. Add food with low Glycemic Index (GI).

Foods which don't contribute to the rise of blood sugar level in the body are called GI foods, notes HealWithFood.org. Food with high GI index increase the risk of tumor by stimulating the hormone like insulin and insulin-like growth factor. Legumes, non-starchy vegetables and fruits like berries have low glycemic index.

4. Add IC3 rich foods.

A compound called indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is capable of fighting cancer and is rich in cruciferous vegetables. Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and Brussels sprouts are packed with IC3.   

5. Add food with ellagic acid.

Food rich in ellagic acid activate detoxifying enzymes in the body and effectively eliminate cervical cancer. Red fruits and berries like raspberries and nuts, such as walnuts and pecans are good sources of ellagic acids.

6. Avoid excessive protein in your diet.

When diet rich in protein is taken, the pancreatic enzymes are kept busy digesting them and are therefore given less time to fight cervical cancer. Pulses are rich sources of proteins and so it is good to avoid consuming them in excess.

7. Take foods rich in Vitamin C and E.

Foods rich in vitamin C and E are good sources of antioxidants that are capable of boosting the immune system. All citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and fruits like honeydew and kiwi are good sources of both vitamins.

8. Consume a diet rich in Vitamin A.

Carotenoids, a source of vitamin A, are useful in fighting cervical cancer. Carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and winter squash are rich sources of vitamin A.

9. Limit foods rich in animal fat.

Arachidonic acid present in the animal fat is observed to enhance cancer growth and also help cancer spread to other parts of the body.

10. Add foods containing zinc.

When foods rich in zinc are taken, superoxide dismutase enzyme is produced, which helps prevent cervical cancer by destroying harmful free radicals. 

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