12 Surprising Health Benefits of Ginger

By Staff Writer | Apr 10, 2015 | 07:32 AM EDT

Ginger is one of the important spices used worldwide. Ginger not only has an interesting flavor and taste, it also offers numerous health benefits. Here are 12 surprising health benefits of ginger.  

1. Delivers anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects

Gingerol is the natural oil present in ginger that renders its unique flavor. The oil has anti-inflammatory properties that are effective against the pain and discomfort caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, according to WH Foods. Ginger also possesses potential antioxidant properties.

2. Eliminates gastrointestinal problems

Ginger has been known for centuries for its carminative and intestinal spasmolytic properties. That is, ginger helps in eliminating intestinal gas as well as sooth the intestinal track.

3. Eases motion sickness

Researchers report that ginger is more effective in relieving motion sickness than Dramamine, an over-the-counter pill. Ginger is capable of reducing motion sickness symptoms including vomiting, nausea, cold sweating and dizziness.

4. Reduces muscle pain and soreness

Ginger is effective against muscle pain and body soreness caused by workouts. The anti-inflammatory property of the spice is reportedly responsible for this simple and wonderful health benefit, according to Eco Watch.

5. Aids nutrient absorption

Ginger stimulates the gastric and pancreatic enzyme secretion and thereby enhances the absorption and stimulation of essential nutrients in the body, notes Life Hack.

6. Improves blood circulation

Chromium, magnesium and zinc, present in ginger, help in improving blood flow, as well as assist in preventing excessive sweat, fever and chills.

7. Relieves respiratory problems  

Ginger aids in expanding the lungs and loosening up phlegm. It also breaks down and removes mucus, proving helpful in respiratory diseases like cough. The spice also helps in preventing cold and flu.

8. Boosts immunity and improves heart health

Ginger helps in boosting the immunity and also inhibits the deposition of fatty acids in the artery walls, thereby reducing the risk of stroke. It also reduces the risk of heart disease caused by type 2 diabetes.

9. Reduces nausea and vomiting in pregnant woman

Ginger is effective in reducing nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. It is also said to prevent hyperemesis gravidum, described by AmericanPregnancy.org as "a condition characterized by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and electrolyte disturbance."

10. Fights ovarian and colorectal cancer

The spice slows down the growth of colorectal cancer and induces cell death in ovarian cancer.

11. Relieves menstrual pain

Ginger is reported to reduce menstrual pain more effectively than mefenamic acid and ibuprofen.

12. Prevents indigestion

Indigestion is caused by delayed elimination of digested food in the bowel. Ginger induces bowel clearance, thereby preventing indigestion.  

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