Spring Cleaning Tips 2015: 7 Healthy Foods to Spring Clean the Body

By Staff Writer | Apr 11, 2015 | 04:55 AM EDT

Are you looking back to the past season and thinking you need to change your food situation soon? This spring might help you start your way back to healthier living. After all, what better way to start spring cleaning than with your own body? The season also means the availability of healthy vegetables, fruits, and spices.

Overhaul your kitchen with these 7 healthy foods in order to spring clean your diet:

1.) Spinach

If you're trying to maintain your weight or slim down, eating spinach can help you consume lesser calories. Spinach is natural appetite suppressant, meaning it curbs your hankering for sweet treats and junk food according to The Daily Mail UK. Aside from being an affordable spring vegetable, spinach is a rich source of vitamins and minerals including folate, niacin, vitamin A, B6, C, and riboflavin.

2.) Ripe Bananas

If you're feeling a little bloated, ripe bananas might help. In addition to being a yummy snack, bananas contain potassium that help reduce water retention from too much salt intake and therefore making your belly flatter and stomach less gassy according to Heal With Food.

3.) Tomatoes

According to Medical News Today, tomatoes are rich in nutrients and antioxidants such as lycopene, choline, beta-carotene, lutein, alpha-lipoic acid, and vitamins A and C. All these can help in preventing certain cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and constipation!

4.) Kiwi

The kiwifruit is a tropical fruit that contains loads of antioxidants, fiber, copper, potassium, folate, and vitamins E, K, and C, according to The World's Healthiest Foods. The fiber in the kiwi may also help in reducing constipation and easing sluggish bowels.

5.) Grapefruit

According to the Skinny Chef, grapefruit is considered to be a natural weight loss food. It is low in calories, high in fat-burning naringin enzymes and vitamin C. This low-calorie citrus fruit is refreshing, delicious, and keep the skin glowing and looking youthful.

6.) Legumes

Legumes such as beans, chickpeas and lentils may help in controlling glucose blood levels and risk for heart disease according to Shape. Beans are also found to be good for weight loss as its fiber content can help lower obesity risk by 22 percent. Legumes contain an assortment of nutrients including fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and slow-burning carbs.

7.) Beets

Beets are natural detox foods that contain potassium, folate, fiber, and the antioxidant pigment betacyanin. It also contains betaine, a compound that lowers inflammatory markers, helps the liver process fats, and protects the organ from damage, according to About.com. So, if you've been drinking more than usual, eating more beets may help in strengthening the liver.

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