Beer Health Benefits: Booze Can Keep DNA Young and Prevent Cellular Aging?

By Auj Lazaro | Jan 18, 2014 | 08:54 AM EST

The next time you are confused whether you will get a cup of coffee or open some cold beer to take close the entire day easy, then it can help you decide better once you discover that recent research says it can slow down the aging of your cells.

A Tel Aviv University study discovered that alcohol and caffeine can affect the human genes, which can shorten or lengthen the telomeres of the human DNA strands that can be a basis meter for aging and even cancer, Yahoo Health site wrote.

When the team expanded their research, they discovered that a certain amount of caffeine in an espresso shot can shorten telomeres but the particular amount of alcohol in your average beer can lengthen it.

The team's leader, Martin Kupiec suggested that it can be safe and healthy to drink some coffee or maybe a little beer every once in a while when taking the time to relax. As both can certainly, at one point, help you lessen the amount of stress that your body carries.

In another article from Yahoo Voices, it was greatly emphasized how beer can serve as anyone's fountain of youth. Reports from Women's World stated that beer can also slow down the aging of the brain for about 50%. A moderate amount of beer can help de-stress any person and even improve blood circulation.

Other health benefits of drinking beer in moderation were interestingly listed in an article in the Passion For The Pint site. Some of those include prevention of cancer, lessened risk of cardiovascular diseases, increase in bone density that can prevent osteoporosis, boosts good cholesterol, help the digestive system, prevent anemia, reduce risk of diabetes, removal of some toxins in the body, and ultimately, prevent aging and cut down stress.

So grab a cold bottle of beer as you unwind your way at the end of the day.

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