Beyonce's Diet Revealed! Find Out What Bey Eats Here

By Mai Peralta | May 01, 2015 | 06:57 AM EDT

Queen B's ultimate diet is finally revealed here! Marco Borges, Jay Z and Beyonce's friend and nutritionist, tells all.

Marco Borges, a renowned exercise physiologist, turned Beyonce and her husband Jay Z into vegans after the couple went on a healthy eating challenge for 22 days. Borges' plant-based nutrition program stems from the belief that it takes 21 days to change a habit and that by day 22, new habits can be formed.

According to, Beyonce collaborated with Borges so she and Jay Z can have 22 days of nutrition made with plant-based meals delivered at their home. In Borges' new book, "The 22-Day Revolution," the program incorporates grains, vegetables, and fruits while foregoing any animal product such as dairy, meat, and fish. He adds that there are more health benefits in a plant-based diet.

"I remember being on so many different diets, and Marco coming up with really creative ways to help me with my diet so I didn't feel like I was depriving myself," the singer told Today last Thursday in a segment.

1.) Three "mindful" meals a day - Eat only until you feel 80 percent full

2.) Use an 80-10-10 ratio - This means, 80 percent carbs, 10 percent protein and fat

3.) Exercise 30 minutes daily

4.) Hydrate with water or teas with no added sweeteners

Prior to starting the challenge, Jay Z wrote on his Life + Times website:

 "On December 3, one day before my 44th birthday I will embark on a 22 Days challenge to go completely vegan, or as I prefer to call it, plant-based!! This all began a few months back when a good friend and vegan challenged me to embrace a 'plant-based breakfast' everyday. It was surprisingly easier on me than I thought...

"So you can call it a spiritual and physical cleanse. I will post my progress... Any professional vegans out there that have any great food spots please help out! Please ha. I don't know what happens after Christmas. A semi-vegan, a full plant-based diet? Or just a spiritual and physical challenge? We'll see...

"Best of luck and health! P.S. B is also joining me."

It seems like the couple embraced veganism. Beyonce also wrote the foreword of Borges' new book, The 22-Day Revolution, where she discussed about growing up as a foodie in Texas, a state known for its eating competitions for deep fried food.

Beyonce's foreword concluded with: "The truth is that if a Houston-born foodie like me can do it, you can too - you just need to try it for 22 days."

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