Summer 2015 Workout for a Sexier Bikini Body

By Staff Writer | May 20, 2015 | 06:46 AM EDT

It's that time of the year again. Summer is just around the corner and with the heat that's coming, it's going to be a blast lounging by the beach with sand between your toes.

If you're looking to make your bikini body even sexier, here are workout tips we've gathered to help you reach your summer goal.

The secret to a bikini body is a full-body workout by combining fat-burning exercises, cardio and muscle-toning, according to Live Strong. A full-body workout will work your muscles and make you shed off more calories than spot-exercising or singling out muscle groups.

According to, it can take only 4 weeks for you to have beach-ready body.

Week 1 training involves daily workouts that you may be very familiar with already. You are to do three days of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for 20 minutes each session. You can use a treadmill, a bike or elliptical, or you can just jog outside.

Week 2 begins with picking the pace from the first week by doing supersets. A superset means doing two exercises subsequently with no break in between. Maintain three days of cardio you've had the previous week.

Week 3 involves super dropsets that will be added with supersets you had the previous week. A dropset is a move that you perform on the last set of each superset. Continue on with three days of HIIIT workout but this time, add two 10-minute sessions of lunges to work your legs and buttocks area.

Week 4 is the combination of all exercises you've built up over the last three weeks. Perform exercises daily in a continuous circuit with minimal breaks between moves. Maintaining the cardio workout in the previous week but add more sets if you have energy left.

Here are three moves you can add to your workout:

1. Alternating Jumping Lunges

This exercise targets your legs and adds power, strength and balance to your body, according to Harper's Bazaar. Start with a lunging squat stance with your feet apart. Do a slight jump and switch legs in the air alternately.

2. Mountain Climbers

This move targets the core and adds more cardio to your workout. Begin in a plank position and bring your right knee up to the left side of your chest. Rotate to switch and then alternate legs while keeping your core tight.

3. Squat Shoulder Press

This move benefits the quads, shoulders, triceps and the core. Grab a weight and hold it in front of your body and do a squat. As you come up, shoulder-press the weight and then lower your arms down to start again.

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