TLC Reality Star Kate Gosselin Reveals Bikini Body Secrets! Organic Diet, Running Routine & More

By Ma. Claribelle D. Deveza | Jun 25, 2015 | 06:00 AM EDT

Reality TV star Kate Gosselin shows off her fit physique while wearing a bikini in the latest episode of "Kate Plus 8." The mother of eight turned 40 years old on the episode, which aired on Tuesday, June 23 and celebrated her birthday in Mexico along with her kids.

According to the Examiner, Kate credits her organic diet and running for her weight loss and ageless looks. While Gosselin has undergone plastic surgery, a tummy tuck in 2007 and breast implants in 2009, she denies that she has had any work done on her face.

"I am probably one of the rare few who de-age," Kate said, referring to how she looks better at 40 than she did 10 years ago.

Explaining her "de-aging" process, Kate says that years ago she looked tired and older due to being sleep-deprived while raising her newborn sextuplets. The TLC star has admitted that she led a hectic and stressful life years ago.

There have been reports that Kate physically abused her children due to the stress. The most prominent report of Kate abusing her children was written by Robert Hoffman in his book, "Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World."

According to Hoffman he based the book on Kate's own journal entry, reports Celebrity Health Fitness. In one of the entries, Kate wrote about a particular "stress meltdown," in which she admits to whipping her child, Collin.

Hoffman recounts the entry from Kate's journal writing:

"The kids were outside playing and Collin poured some beans on the floor and was sent inside. He didn't like that so he knocked down some highchairs in the kitchen and that set Kate off."

"Kate said [in her journal entry] that she was instantly so SO angry that she grabbed him and spanked him as hard as she could and thought that she may seriously injure him so she sent him to his crib and whipped him into it very hard!"

While Kate has neither confirmed or denied physically abusing her children, she has admitted to taking steps towards relieving some stress from her life.

In 2010, Kate started running, which not only helped her relax, but also led to her losing weight. Kate says that she tries her best to run at least 10 miles a day, fitting in the time to run as much as she can.

"I have a lot of stress in life and [running] gets all of that out in a healthy ways. Looking good is a side benefits," Gosselin says.

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