Weight Loss Tips & Tricks: 6 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

By Staff Reporter | Jun 30, 2015 | 10:45 AM EDT

Weight loss has always been one of the biggest struggles most people deal with on a long-term basis and with the effects of social media and a society obsessed with looking good, it is only common to find people looking for easy ways or jumping on any diet fads they see.

However, it is important to remember that there is no short-cut to losing weight effectively. Weight loss success stories may vary from one person to another but if a person keep his/her head in the game and focus on goals, then any types of method that used will almost always work. 

With this in mind, here is a list of 6 healthy ways to lose weight according to Nutrition experts:

1) Set a sensible weight goal dependent on body mass index (BMI).

BMI is an indicator of body fat used by experts to understand if the individual is healthy, overweight or obese. As a rule of thumb, allow 100 pounds for a 5-ft. tall female and 105 lbs. for male, adding 4 to 6 lbs. per inch above the base for female and 5 to 7 lbs. per inch for male. There are several BMI calculators on the Internet to check if one is within the healthy 20 to 25 range.

2) Learn one's daily recommended calorie intake.

Baylor College of Medicine has published an adult BMI and Calorie calculator that can help one determine how much calories should be consumed everyday. One then reduces 500 calories from the daily amount for 1 lb. per week weight loss and double it to lose 2 lbs. per week.

3) Eat a well-balanced meal based on weight loss goals.

Be wary of fitness products like foods labeled with "organic" or "fat-free" as they are sometimes misleading. Consume the right amount of carbs, protein and fat or consult a registered dietitian to have a guaranteed, healthy meal planning.

4) Exercise or increase physical activity.

Naked Nutrition advisor Albert Matheny, C.S.C.S. says cardio can help burn a lot of calories and easier for beginners as it doesn't require any equipment, quotes BuzzFeed.

5) Minimize alcohol intake.

Whether trying to gain or lose weight, alcohol can mess up exercise and even a well-balanced diet.

6) Have a behavior change plan.

According to NIH, it is important to weigh oneself regularly but people shouldn't be discouraged if it doesn't show them what they're expecting. Reward oneself with anything but food if goals are attained. Remember, nothing spells success than positivity and determination.

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