7 Foods That Can Help You Sleep Better at Night

By Staff Writer | Jul 01, 2015 | 08:16 AM EDT

There are just some nights when we need help in falling asleep. There are reasons and conditions such state of "nothingness" can be hard to deal with, but some things remain true -- the lack of sleep causes exhaustion, forgetfulness and impairment of memory and cognitive functions necessary for school and work.

Long-term sleep deprivation can also lead to numerous health problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, depression, mood disorders and poor quality of life, WebMD indicates.

Ready to get some good sleep? Here are seven foods you may want to consume to increase chances of acquiring restful and regenerative slumber:

1. Fish

Fish contains vitamin B6, an important component that can help improve sleep quality. According to Progressive Health, vitamin B6 helps synthesize melatonin, a hormone capable of preserving circadian rhythm. Rich fish sources of this vitamin are salmon, tuna and halibut, Eating Well said.

2. Yogurt

Yogurt and other dairy products loaded with calcium may help one fall asleep better. According to a new research, sleeplessness is linked to calcium deficiency. Times of India reports that calcium is responsible and essential for deep sleep.

3. Walnuts

According to Reader's Digest, walnuts contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps make serotonin and melatonin components to help the body fall asleep.

4. Bananas

Aside from being a great source of vitamin B6, bananas also contain potassium. According to Mercola, potassium deficiency can result to erratic sleeping patterns through the night.

Also, there are plenty of ways to incorporate banana into meals throughout the day. You can have it for breakfast, lunch, dinner or even dessert. Cooking Light has numerous healthy banana recipes that you can try.

5. Rice

According to the Daily Mail, white rice has a high glycemic index (GI) that is linked to good quality sleep. It works by reducing the time for your body to fall asleep and sleep well. The research however notes that noodles or pasta can give the opposite effect.

6. Cherry Juice

A glass of cherry juice or specifically, tart cherry juice can help boost levels of melatonin in the body naturally. According to Prevention, cherry juice also contains tryptophan.

7. Honey

Raw honey is a source of natural sugar and it is found to help keep liver glycogen full, a sugar that supplies the brain with energy through sleep. According to Bulletproof, taking 1-2 teaspoons of honey can help with sleep.

How long does it take for you to get to sleep? How many hours do you sleep at night? Share in the comments section below!

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