Tesla Model S sets world record to 452.8 miles in one charge [video]

By Lois D. Medrano | Aug 27, 2015 | 07:28 AM EDT

Tesla is known to be one of the best electronic car manufacturers in the world, and when the company has unveiled their Model S P85D, its selling point is their claim of running up to 253 miles on one charge. However, it looks like the company will be changing their spiel because apparently, one man has tested and claimed that the Tesla Model S can run more than that.

Meet Bjorn Nyland, a programmer working at the University of Oslo, who also happens to own a Tesla Model S. He claimed that he has driven his Tesla for 452.8 miles after charging it in the charging station in Denmark, Tech News Today writes. Because of this, he has been able to convince ten more people to purchase their very own Tesla, making him win a new Tesla Model X as a prize.

Nyland, together with his friend Morgan Torvolt, have been reported to have taken 18 hours and 40 minutes to accomplish, making him the new world-record holder of the longest Model S drive. He has beaten the father and son duo of David and Adam Metcalf, who has previously set a record in 2013 after driving for 423.5 miles in one charge. Incidentally, the pair has stated previously that the Tesla could have gone farther had they pushed to drive it for 19 hours.

According to Nyland, they have been able to achieve the impossible feat by driving very slowly and avoiding any change in the elevation or road condition before going back to where they have started, Mashable reports. It has been a test of patience and endurance to the two buddies as they take turns in driving not higher than 25 mph.

The duo has been able to record the whole thing on video for everyone to see, although they admit that there is nothing much to expect, except for when they did a wrong turn which forced them to drive over a gravel road.

Slash Gear adds that the drive has been really slow that both friends have decided to put a 'Test Slow' sign on the car to avoid any incriminating glances from motorists and passersby. To prepare for the test drive, Nyland has to check everything, from the tire pressures, acceleration, deceleration and even how they will drive the Tesla.

Nyland is a known Tesla enthusiast based on his Youtube channel and has posted several videos, including a test drive of 125 mph for a 39-mile stretch.

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