5 'no-work workout' to help in your weight loss journey

By Lois D. Medrano | Sep 08, 2015 | 07:55 AM EDT

Working out can be intimidating, especially for overweight and obese individuals; but experts believe doing exercises don't need to be too complicated or too exhausting.

Here is a list of the top five no-work workout regimen that can aid you in losing weight.

1) Recess Run

Journal Gazette writes this specialty store event incorporates playground activities people used to do when they were little. Kevin Croy, the owner of Fleet Feet Sports, shares that with the set of activities, adults are reminded why running should be considered fun, and not just work. The activities include water balloon toss, spoon zoom, Simon Says and sack race.

Of course, not everyone can join; but by incorporating the said activities in your next workout, it will leave you exercising and having fun at the same time. Furthermore, you can find a buddy to help you enjoy the activities better. Set in the right kind of music, make it a game, and by bringing in the right attitude, you'll never look at running and relay as a workout ever again.

2) Short Circuit

Doing a 20-minute no equipment workout can make you exercise without making it a task, Muscle and Fitness writes. Doing one set of bodyweight squat, incline push-ups with your feet on a chair, hip thrust, crunches, and walking lunge with minimal rest in between can help you build a routine out of something you'll like in the long run. Of course, practicing rest-pause or resting for ten to 30 seconds before proceeding, will also make the set even better for you.

3) Bike Ride

Seventeen Magazine shares that by riding your bike to school, the office or anywhere you want to go, you are sneakily incorporating a workout in your daily routine. Also, it will not be considered a workout because you use it as a means of transportation. Also, your endorphin levels are increased with biking, making you happy and in a good mood. It is best to do it three times a week to help you burn calories, increase your heart rate and tone your entire body.

4) Try Out Something New

Having the same workout regimen over and over again will not only bore you, but will also make you feel that it's work rather than a fun exercise, Journal Gazette adds. Trying on a new workout exercise, may it be CrossFit or a simple ab swivel you can do while sitting down in front of your office desk, will make a good break from your routine and make you look forward to doing it. Make sure you find something that you like and enjoy to add more pizzazz in your exercise.

5) Dance the Night Away

Adding dance routines in your daily workout is the best way to make your routine fun and healthy, Seventeen Magazine writes. This is the reason why workouts like Zumba and Rock Abs are highly popular among the working adults. Not only is it energizing and helps in boosting your mood, it can seriously aid in your weight loss program. Make sure to dance at least up to an hour twice a week to make the exercise double its duty - burn calories, tone your butt and legs and increase flexibility.

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