5 natural tips & tricks for tighter and firmer skin

By Lois D. Medrano | Sep 09, 2015 | 10:06 AM EDT

As people grow older, the elasticity of the skin becomes lose and saggy. This can also occur if you are fond of staying under the sun for too long, a drastic weight loss, lack of sleep and smoking. Fortunately, you don't have to undergo surgery to tighten your skin because there are natural ways that can produce the same result, without breaking your bank account or your skin.

These 5 natural tips & tricks may take some time before you can see the effects but they do work and most importantly, it uses a natural healing process, making it look more flawless and untouched.

1) Lemon Juice Cleanse

Tribune shares that as the vitamin C in lemons can help boost collagen production, a protein known to be a skin tightener, it can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and eventually aid in skin tightening.

Simply apply lemon juice all over your body, paying more attention to the affected areas. Let it stand for ten minutes before rinsing with water. To make it even more effective, do this for about two to three times a day, then follow-up with organic moisturizer.

2) Use Baking Soda to Exfoliate

Citi FM Online says that baking soda is one of the best natural exfoliators available in your home pantry. Simply mix it with warm water to come up with a paste, rub it in circular motions on your skin and voila, you are able to rid your body of dead skin, grease and dirt.

Exfoliating allows your skin to look young and fresh because you are instantly rid of all the toxins affecting the outside of your body. Furthermore, your moisturizer will be absorbed better into the skin as there are no more dirt blocking your pores.

3) Drink lots of Water

Gazette Review writes that by drinking a lot of water, you are not only hydrating your skin, but you are also allowing it to become firmer, radiant and more elastic. Water can help the skin regain its elasticity. By increasing water intake to about six to 12 glasses per day, you will see improvement in your skin.

4) Egg White Facial Mask

Tribune adds that the astringent properties of egg whites help in the natural treatment of sagging skin. By whisking two egg whites until it is nice and frothy, rub in circular motion on the face or on the part of your body that needs attention. Let it stand for 20 minutes before rinsing with cool water.

For best results, egg white can be combined with a tablespoon of yogurt for that cool and firmer sensation. Besides treating saggy skin, yogurt and egg whites can decrease the oiliness of your skin and can even tighten your pores.

5) Olive Oil Massage

Olive oil is considered one of the best natural moisturizers out there and Citi FM Online adds that it can also be used to tighten your skin. It can be used on all skin types because of its mild contents, plus it contains natural antioxidants and vitamins to help protect, hydrate and soften your skin.

Put a quarter size olive oil on your palm, rub gently to your skin and massage thoroughly, including your muscles underneath to improve blood circulation as well.

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