Weight loss failures and why they occur

By Ma. Claribelle D. Deveza | Sep 11, 2015 | 06:10 AM EDT

Losing weight can be one tough hurdle to overcome. People often experience weight loss failures, and have a difficult time getting back on the horse.

To prevent weight loss failures, people need to understand why they happen in the first place. Listed below are some of the most common reasons for weight loss failure.

#1: Medical Conditions

Most people follow a "one size fits all" diet, when they should be following a diet that is tailored to their specific needs. According to News Max, there are several medical conditions that could actually contribute to weight loss failure.

For instance, Web MD states that people who are stressed have a hard time losing weight because the body is programmed to actually store more fat when under stressful conditions. Other conditions known to hinder weight loss include: heart disease, hormone imbalances, and sleep disorders.

#2: History of Yo-Yo Dieting

Yo-yo dieting occurs when people lose weight rapidly by decreasing their food in-take and then gain weight again quickly by overeating. For people who have a history of losing weight and then gaining it all back again, weight loss failure is almost guaranteed.

Best Health Magazine explains that yo-yo dieting can actually cause the body's metabolism to slow down, making it even harder to lose weight. The body gets used to the pattern of yo-yo dieting, and therefore learns to store as much fat as possible during the times people overeat.

#3: The Diet is too Restrictive

Following a strict diet can also slow down the body's metabolism, according to the State of Michigan Health and Wellness Department. Strict diets will tend to deprive people of their favorite foods, which will result in them binging on their favorite snacks later on.

#4: People adopt short-term diets rather than lifestyle changes

People tend to think of dieting as a temporary fix. After losing the amount of weight they want, people usually slowly revert back to their original eating habits.

However, in order to maintain the weight they want, people need to start seeking healthier lifestyle, not a short-term diet. Dieting can help you shed the extra pounds, but deciding to live healthier will keep the pounds off.

#5: Social Pressure

Most people do not realize the amount of pressure they get not to lose weight. Health points out that friends and family members can actually hinder you from losing weight. Friends and family will usually encourage their loved one to eat or even eat more, especially during holidays or celebrations, like birthday parties.

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