8 Easy Tips to Boost Mental Health

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Jan 08, 2016 06:31 AM EST

More often than not, people only look for a solution to a problem only when the problem comes. However, what if people took a more proactive approach to health and decided to prepare for crisis even before it begins?

“An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” This saying, when applied to mental health, brings a tremendous amount of benefits. Here are some easy tips that you can do to help boost your mental health and live a better life.

Value Yourself

“Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism,” the University of Michigan University Health Service wrote. “Make time for your hobbies and favorite projects, or broaden your horizons.” You can do this by simply doing things that you enjoy such as solving crossword puzzles, gardening, crocheting or even dancing.

In short, simply enjoy yourself.

Take Care of Yourself

What you do for your body also affects your brain. As such, be sure to eat good, healthy food; stay well-hydrated; avoid cigarettes and other unhealthy substances; exercise; and get a good amount of sleep.

Watch Your Weight

Obesity and diabetes can increase the risks for depression, said clinical psychiatry assistant professor Dr. Mahendra Bhati of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, U.S. News reported. Avoid being sedentary and, instead, choose to be physically active.

Deal With Stress the Right Way

Take things easy and shy away from being a perfectionist, as it is linked to poor health, higher mortality risks and even postpartum depression, Live Science reported. Don't sweat the small things.

Get a Good Support System

Stress can also be reduced by spending time with your friends and loved ones, The Huffington Post report. What better support system to have than those who ultimately and sincerely care for you?

Stay in the Moment

Staying in the moment helps in dealing with difficult circumstances and emotions, and also prevents possible problems with anxiety and depression.

Find Purpose

Finding purpose, or meaning, to what you do will actually help you face each day better. A study conducted in 2007 has found that those who take part in meaningful activities are happier than those who do not, especially those who focus on hedonism.

Get Help When You Need Help

Being brave enough to open up and sharing what you're going through with those who are qualified to help will be greatly beneficial to you, so don't be shy to ask for help when you need it. Admitting the need for help – and seeking it – is not only a sign of strength. It's also a doorway for your healing too.

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