Microscopic Arachnids Found To Devoid In Western United States

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Feb 21, 2017 09:57 PM EST

A new survey conducted by a group of researchers to investigate dust mites' occurrences across the United States. A sparse of these microscopic arachnids are found across large strips of the Great Plains and Mountain West.

North Carolina State University and the University of Colorado Boulder jointly created a map that shows diversity and ranges of arthropods. They analyzed arthropod DNA found in 732 dust samples collected from the interior door frames throughout the United States.

In the article published by the NC State University, Anne Maden, a postdoctoral researcher, and the lead author said that "It was an incredible range of diversity from just a tiny swab of house dust. From these dust, we found more than 600 genera of arthropods ". Maden and the team likewise identified several variables associated with greater arthropod diversity.

While, Cats, dogs, rural areas and a home with a basement can greatly affect the chances of getting dust-mites, it also expands the previous work that is found in pet ownership that increases the biodiversity of microbial organisms like bacteria and fungi. The two studies correlate with each other.

Dust mites are microscopic bugs that live in household dust. They feed on organic detritus, such as flakes of human skin and flourishes in the stable environment of dwellings. They work their way into soft places like pillows, blankets, mattresses and stuffed animals.

David Miller who studies the links between dumb housing and health at Carleton University in Ottawa said that an estimated 20 million Americans suffer from allergies from dust mites. "If you are allergic to dust mites, living in dry-land America and Canada and in high elevation lands is absolutely a good thing", Miller added.

Furthermore, per Scientific American, the results from the analysis also shows that the eastern US and the West Coast are dust mite paradise. But since, dust mites need high humidity to survive, the western interior turns out to be barren.

However, Anne Maden explained that even if the western part is negative from the test of dust mites, still it is not a conclusion that those areas are bereft from these creatures. Even in dry regions, like mattresses, carpets or furniture moved from the humid area, colonies of dust mites may still be present.

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