5 lose weight without dieting tips to try

By Staff Writer | Nov 17, 2015 | 06:27 AM EST

There are a million diet fads and miracle weight loss diet solutions that promise weight loss if you eat this, not that, do this and then that. Putting that much effort into something and not getting anything out of it can be frustrating so why not try losing weight without dieting instead? There's minimal effort involved plus, you don't even have to stay away from your favorite foods.

All you need to do is to open your mind to new ways, listen to your body and rearrange some things in your kitchen. Sounds like a plan? Here are five tips on ways you can lose weight without dieting:

1. Redecorate and rearrange your kitchen

A great way to get you to get healthier food in your system is by completely redoing how you arrange your kitchen. According to Skinny Mom, one way to get you to eat more fruits and vegetables is to put them where they are easily seen. The blog recommends putting different fruits on the counter or on the table if you have it in your kitchen. Another is to put vegetables for snacking or for cooking at eye level in your fridge as it makes it easier to reach for them and prepare them instead.

2. Use smaller plates

You're technically not dieting but using smaller plates will trick your mind into thinking you've eaten a lot. According to the Arthritis Foundation, smaller dishes can make you eat 20 percent less of what you usually have for every meal.

3. Go to bed early

If you're a night owl, chances are you are guilty of midnight snacking or basically eating once more after dinner. According to Daily Burn, which cites a study from the University of Colorado, those who sleep less are bound to weigh more and gain more than those who sleep sufficiently at night. This means that sleep is just as important as exercise in maintaining body weight.

4. Drink more water

Drinking water is always important in keeping us hydrated and helping in expelling toxins out of our body. However, drinking more water can also help us lose weight because thirst can sometimes be mistaken for food hunger, according to Health Boosters. So drinking water can help us stay full and eat when we mean to eat at regular meal hours.

5. Eat slowly

By eating more slowly you are able to enjoy and savor your food better. According to Arthritis.org, almost 300 calories can be cut from our daily consumption if we pace our eating habits.

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