Anti-psychotic drugs: Harmful to dementia patients?

By Marnelle Joyce | Nov 18, 2016 | 21:29 PM EST

Specialists in Australia are extending important relations regarding the abuse of anti-psychotic drugs. Additionally, these medicines can harm the brain and may induce stroke. They also perceived that it could even speed up death of patients.

There were over 350, 000 Australians dealing with dementia, according to the ABC. The case is constantly increasing, and 70,000 estimated patients were taking anti-psychotic drugs. However, only one among five of patients was attaining a positive effect. Majority of the drugs were excessively prescribed, as per the study.

Overprescription of medicines was occurring due to the massive workload of physicians, said Dr. Power. In addition, they need to gratify a professional carer or family member of the patient who demands for medicine to lessen patient's condition. "They expect the pill, and that's all you've been taught to do," he added.

The case of dementia in Australia was predicted to increment by almost 30 per cent the subsequent five years.

Dr. Power stated, physicians were not focusing on the management of anxiety and unstable behavior of the patients. They were only on a fast mode to prescribe drugs.

"A simple example is in a care home - don't enter a person's room without knocking on the door, telling them who you are and asking permission," he said. The sad part of anti-psychotic drugs is ignoring the patient's right to be well-manage supposedly.

There were some doctors who contrast the claim, says the Guardian. They believe that anti-psychotic drugs would help. There's no scientific evidence to introduce a detail that users end up to untimely death. Furthermore, drugs designed for Schizophrenia have a lower suicidal disposition.

As a practice, there's a need to do a habitual assessment of treatments between a patient and psychiatrist. This is to have a constant evaluation on the pros and cons of any treatment.

Majority of the claims against anti-psychotic drugs were exaggerations. Given the example for lithium, which is the most frightened drug. However, it was shown to cause fewer side effects than some doctors expected to be.

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