Teen Obesity Linked to Smartphones and Tablets [STUDY]

By Kumar Rahul (KR) | Dec 15, 2016 | 03:33 AM EST

For previous generation of couch potatoes it was the curse of television later partially replaced by computer but today's teenagers are more at risk because of Smartphones and Tablets. Health in particular their weight is a serious concern in today's digital lifestyle.

Using these devices for more than 5 hours a day likely increased the consumption of sugary beverages by double and coupled with less physical exercise its the perfect recipe for disaster. As per Webmd, these teens were 43% more susceptible to obesity than kids of similar age who did not use these devices as much.

Erica Kenney, Study lead Author adds that its a wakeup call for parents and they must keep an eye on their kids who use these devices more than they should. Over usage of screen-devices is turning into a universal phenomenon.

Earlier studies confirm that watching TV in excess lead to related health issues due to higher consumption of fast foods, salty snacks, sweets and high calorie beverages. With the popularity of Smartphones and tablets as the preferred media consumption device, only the medium have changed not its ill-effects.

There is a tendency to eat and drink more while using these devices. The kids fail to realise that they have gone past their hunger-state and they continue to eat for the sake of timepass. With their pre-occupied minds they do not realise they are full. Also the internet has badly affected their lifestyle by exposing them to unhealthy food rabbits.

Advertisers influence these vulnerable minds by clever placement of their product in digital games and social media. Virtual games have clearly taken over actual physical play. Playgrounds have given way to Play Stations.

According to Reuters, these couch-potatoe kids grow up into Couch-potatoe adults and its a vicious cycle. This underlines parents influence on teenagers. Kids need to be introduced to a healthy lifestyle early on and parents must lead by example.

The American Academy of Paediatrics strictly states that kids should not be exposed to these screens for more than 2 hours daily but this guideline is violated in almost every home. Its high time the phone and other similar devices are put down and the world is seen the way it exists. There is need for real interactions, real relationships, real play and a real life but unfortunately nobody is listening.

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