Ben Affleck Movie ‘The Batman’s Expected Villains: Will Smith and Selina Kyle Rumored to Appear As Villains

By Amita Prakash. J | Dec 31, 2016 | 05:44 AM EST

Ben Affleck's much hyped Batman Movie 'The Batman' has been a talk of the world since the time back in 2015, with the news of Ben Affleck's script of the movie.  The list of villains to be the part of Ben Affleck's solo movie 'The Batman' was much awaited by the fans of the movie.  Selina Kyle, Barbara Gordon, Will Smith, Zac Efron, Andrew Garfield, Ryan Potter, Asa Butterfield and Jared Leto are rumored to portray the villains of the movie.

The news of Deathstroke to be one among the other villains of 'The Batman' movie was earlier reported by Forbes. The fans of the DC Comics were previously disappointed by Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice. DC is expecting to fulfill the expectation of the fans through Justice League. But the fans can't stop guessing the events that awaits them in Ben Affleck's Batman.

In an article which was written months back in Cinema Blend, it was reported that DC Comics and Warner Bros. are happy to make a solo Batman movie with Ben Affleck. As the Batman of "Batman vs Superman" has impressed the fans even though the movie failed to. Also, there was  an information about multiple villains in the Batman movie, which is written, directed and acted by Ben Affleck.

Geoff Johns, the Chief Creative officer at DC Comics also works as a co-writer of the script of 'The Batman' along with Ben Affleck.  Ben Affleck along with Geoff Johns is planning to bring all the villains of the Batman comics alive in the movie. But it seems Ben Affleck is not so happy with the development of the script.

Ben Affleck wants to make a very adventurous script for 'The Batman', which is rumored to release in 2018. Ben Affleck prefers an original story for the movie, but there are rumors that the movie be based on the Batman stories like 'Arkham Asylum', 'Under the Hood' and 'A Death in The Family'.

A Batman movie won't be complete unless it has Joker as a villain. So we can expect Ben Affleck to deal with the Joker in 'The Batman'. The other speculated characters or villains of 'The Batman' will be Red Hood, Night Wing, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Catwoman, The Suicide Squad, Poison Ivy, Dr. Fortune, Azrael, Deadshot and Batgirl.

 All these are the expected characters which are rumored to appear in Ben Affleck's Batman. Ben Affleck may even create a new villain for 'The Batman'. The actors for the cast have not yet been revealed by the makers. There has been no official confirmation of the same yet.


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