Must Read: Zealandia: The Truth About Earth's Hidden Eight Continent!

By Caroline Soriano | Feb 19, 2017 | 23:05 PM EST

Everyone have been taught that there are only seven continents in the world, however, researchers are suggesting about an eight possible one.Zealandia, a massive mainland, is claimed by experts to have the qualities needed to be considered as a continent. Asia, Africa, Australia, Antartica, North America, South America, and Europe are the seven known continents in the world. But recently, an eight contender is being proposed by scientists.

Zealandia, which is a gigantic landmass, is proposed as Earth's eight hidden continents. However, this main is not a secret at all as some have surely heard of high mountains which peaks are only seen above water. This includes New Zealand, New Caledonia, the Chatham Rise, Lord howe Rise, and Campbell Plateau, as CBS News reported.

Researchers explained that Zealandia have about five million sq km and this has been published in the Geological Society of America's Journal. This mainland is about two-thirds of the nearest continent it has, Australia.

Some may feel hesitant about it though as Zealandia is submerged in the water, however, there is a different set of criteria that researchers were referring at. First is its rise above its surrounding area. Next are its unique geology and a well-defined area. Scientists are also looking at its crust thicker than the regular ocean floor, as reported by BBC.

Meanwhile, New Zealand geologist Nick Mortimer state that experts have been studying and gathering data about Zealandia for more than a couple of decades. "The scientific value of classifying Zealandia as a continent is much more than just an extra name on a list," scientists claimed. "That a continent can be so submerged yet unfragmented" makes it useful for "exploring the cohesion and breakup of continental crust".

Zealandia's birth took place after a breakup of supercontinents Gondwana which happened 85 million years ago. Although there is no scientific body that would formally acknowledge continents, changes about the number of continents could make use of time once future research accepts Zealandia as more than just a contender.

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