Women's Health: What Happens When You Wear Your Bra while Sleeping, Benefits & Dangers Here

By N. Gutierrez | Feb 19, 2017 | 23:25 PM EST

Every woman feels free whenever they take the last hook of their bra whenever they get home. Yet, there are always those women who believe that wearing their bra always would prevent sagging. Thanks to doctors, women could now know the dangers or benefits of wearing their bra to sleep.

According to Cosmopolotan, Dr. Seth Rankin, wearing a bra to sleep could actually be dangerous. Contrary to myths that bras prevent sagging, London's Doctor's Clinic’s Rankin then said that bras could restrict lymph glands. In which lymph glands was said to be responsible for brushing out waste products from the breasts. Tight bras were also pointed out to restrict the breasts and its surrounding areas’ blood supply.

Speaking of the myth of sagging, Rankin revealed that a woman’s breast to be sagging over time is natural. The doctor then stated that the reason for natural breast sagging is its tissue losing its elasticity. Thus, he said that bras preventing sagging have only little difference made.

Furthermore, Rankin then continued that wearing a bra to bed could affect bodily functions. He also explained that sagging is caused by gravity as well. Thus, concluding that big breasts sag more.

With that said, Rankin also mentioned that aside from wearing a bra to bed, wearing a tight one does the same effect as well. “It can impair the blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which, at worst, can lead to chronic inflammation, edema (fluid retention) and discomfort” was also identified by Professor Mokbel also an expert that supports Rankin’s statement.

On the contrary, New Vision stated that dangers could be avoided if a woman would wear the right bra to sleep. Adding further, it was also mentioned that the right bra that supports the breasts right and makes it feel comfortable could ease the pain as well. A postoperative bra was sampled to ease the pain for women who had undergone breast surgery.

Nonetheless, a tight underwired bra is removed from the choices. Yet, it is still up to the woman to wear and believe what she wants.

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