Sleeping For More Than 9 Hours, May be an Early Symptom of Dementia, Study Says

By N. Gutierrez | Feb 23, 2017 | 01:30 AM EST

Almost everyone in the world treasures their sleep. People then makes the most of their sleep whenever possible. Yet, little do some know that sleeping too much may be an early sign of dementia as study reveals.

According to Mail Online, scientists had found out that sleeping patterns change as people could grow older. The person sleeping for more than nine hours is most likely exposed to higher risks of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease could also prevail for the next decade for those people since the brain which controls wakefulness is damaged.

Furthermore, Dr. Rosa Sancho, from Alzheimer's Research UK said that amid sleeping disorders are common for people with dementia, it could help in existing sleep studies. In which changes in sleep may be apparent that symptoms like memory loss could show. Yet, the study said by Sancho was defined from just self-sleep information. So, a larger scale sleep data would be needed for a much more reliable conclusion as she stated.

The Framingham Heart Study was then looked by new researchers per Web MD. The study assessed nearly 2,500 men wherein 57 percent were women. The participants then have an average age of 72. The researchers then notified that the 10 percent of those were diagnosed with dementia while the majority was believed to have Alzheimer’s.

Thus, the study then found out that 20 percent of the recent people who had just begun sleeping for more than nine hours had doubled their risk of dementia. The study’s co-author, Matthew Pase then noted that those people have lower brain volumes. He then identified extra sleep might be a sign of something else and may not be a direct cause of dementia. But, Pase also added that dementia development could make people more tired.

Nonetheless, Pase said that he doesn’t advise waking up early either. The US study, published in the journal Neurology then stated that sleep indeed provides restorative function and removing metabolic waste from the brain. It also does prevent accumulation of (protein) B-amyloid, which causes Alzheimer’s disease.

But, it also mentioned that on the contrary, “Sleep disorders may also emerge as a result of atrophy to brain regions involved in sleep and wakefulness, or as a consequence of mood disturbances, which are common in dementia.” Pase then concluded that their next step would be to find how sleep and dementia are connected.

Tips in order to get an effective good night sleep could also be read here.

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