Google Faces New Issues As Nexus 6 Experiences Speakerphone Echo Bug With Android 7.1.1 Nougat

By partha das | Mar 14, 2017 | 07:40 AM EDT

Google Nexus 6 handset has finally received the Android 7.1.1 update. Users of this smartphone finally cherish the new update, though some important issues are surfacing at the same time.

Several Google smartphone models have already received the latest update version of the Android OS, 7.1.1. The new version is equipped with some major important features. Handsets that are running with this new update version have experienced better functionality.

On the other hand, Nexus 6 smartphone users have experienced an issue after updating their handsets with the Android 7.1.1. Google has received complaints from many customers and users of this handset. The problem is about the front speaker of the said smartphone. The front speaker plays the key role during the hand free calls.

The speaker is producing strange echoes. Android Police reported that the Nexus 6 smartphone users who downgraded the OS from Android 7.1.1 experienced no more issues. That means after downgrading the OS, the annoying echo problem disappeared. Google has not yet made a breakthrough to solve this annoying problem.

The development team of the tech giant Google is looking after the matter seriously and searching for a proper way to cure the issue. Nexus 6 is undoubtedly one of the flagship handsets of the company. No doubt the company will provide the solution to the users and customers once it can discover the exact way to tame the echo bug.

Google Code reported that the tech company has released a new March security update for the existing Nexus 6 issue. However, the update has failed to provide any major relief. On the contrary, users can't avail the SafetyNet check. That means users can't access the Android Pay.

For now, Google has disabled the SafetyNet while providing the latest update, but the feature will be back soon after fixing the problem. The issues about the Android 7.1.1 Nougat has already gained the attention of the users. People are waiting to cherish a breakthrough. Google Pixel and Pixel XL were the first Android handsets of the company that received this latest version first.

To know more about "Android Nougat", read Latinos Health.

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