Healthy Alternatives During The Holidays

By Staff Reporter | Dec 01, 2021 | 12:35 PM EST

With the holiday season officially upon us, it's a good idea to start behaving as healthy as possible between all the events and gatherings. The reason you can feel worn out during the holidays is, of course, due to multiple factors -  more events, more travel, the stress of hosting or shopping, the list can go on and on. Additionally, you may be feeling worn out and run down because of all the sugary sweets and heavy meals we consume during this time of year. Add to that maybe more alcohol than you would typically drink for the parties, and well, your health can quickly start to slip. So, let's take a look at some healthy alternatives you could consider to your typical day-to-day habits to make sure you're feeling on top of your game this season.

Try Going Plant Based

Some people might think going plant-based for a couple of months is impossible, but the truth is, it could provide the perfect balancing act to the indulgences mentioned above of the season. Even if you're not open to going completely vegan as far as grocery shopping goes, you can take some baby steps to stay in a healthy state. Since you'll be partaking in plenty of cheese, meats, and eggnog (of course) during the holidays, think of eating plant-based at home as just a practice of moderation. Not to mention, whole foods plant-based diets have been shown to help with inflammation and other health issues; the holidays lineup with the cold and flu season so that it could be a win/win for you.

Limit Snacks Or Make Them Healthy

One area that many people are apt to make their new year's resolutions in is to lose weight. This is a tale as old as time, and the reason is that we're prone to weight gain during the holidays. There are plenty of snacks at parties everywhere we turn, and they're usually sweet treats. This year, offer your guests and loved ones healthier options like fresh-cut fruit and vegetables, nuts, and cheese at home. Instead of making batch after batch of cookies this year, invest in a bag of bulk granola and make nutritious power balls as a sweet dessert. Your options for healthy snacking are limitless, so explore them.

Drink In Moderation

After the last couple of years, we all want to blow off steam and let loose - this is normal in any holiday season, let alone this one. But why not consider saving the alcohol for truly special occasions and celebrations. If you don't feel like that's a possibility for you or your lifestyle, it's worth limiting yourself more than you usually would. It's great to relax and unwind, but moderation is key to most things in life, and alcohol is no exception. And never drive after you've been drinking at a party - maybe offer to be a designated driver for you and your loved ones this year.

Don't Neglect Your Financial Health

One part of the holidays that can cause stress for some people is the overspending we tend to do. Sure there are more considerable grocery and travel expenses - but a lot of the pressure comes from extravagant gifting. While there's nothing wrong with splurging on the ones you care about, it's wise to stay within your budget. The people you're shopping for love you; they wouldn't want their gifts to be causing unnecessary stress for you or affecting your mental health. So, this year give within your means, and next year, if you want to give lavish gifts, consider budgeting for it all year long, so it's not a source of overwhelming next year.

 Stay Active

When the weather turns colder and the magic of twinkling lights lines the streets around us or our homes, it's easy to want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and a hot cup of cider or cocoa. While that's to be expected during the holiday season, make sure you're staying up on your exercise routines. Sure, you may have to revamp your workouts that you once did outside to the indoors where it's warmer, but keep your body moving to stay in your best health - it will pay off in spades!

The holidays are a time of celebration, comfort, and joy - you don't have to miss out on those by keeping up with your emotional and physical health during the season. By implementing even just one or two of the above-mentioned tips, you'll be in better shape when you enter the new year. So, here's to you and your health. Happy holidays!

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