Spring 2015 Diet Tips: Slimming Secrets this Season - Eat Fresh!

By Saranya Palanisamy | Mar 25, 2015 | 16:30 PM EDT

Slimming secrets for this spring is eating fresh and green. Fresh plant-based food are sure to rejuvenate your body and mind not only this spring, but round the year.

Vegan Breakfast

Fresh fruit juices and smoothies instead of hot bowl of porridge is a wonderful breakfast choice for spring. All kinds of nuts, dry fruits, and seeds can be added to make your breakfast a nutritious one, and don't forget to add honey instead of sugar to taste. Raw nut milk and raw plant-based protein powders would serve as nutritious ingredients for your cool healthy drink, says One Green Planet.  

Explore Different Fruit and Vegetable Varieties

When you go shopping, make it a habit to search for new varieties of fruits and vegetables available in the market. Try one new fruit or vegetable every day. This will not only make you excited but will also provide you with nutrients needed for your body. Also, don't just stop with tasting it instead try to make your own recipes.

Maintain Stock of Spring Fruits and Vegetables

Seasonal foods have a great role to play in your health since most of them are appropriate for the weather condition. Vegetables including asparagus, green peas, artichokes, lettuce, fava beans, arugula, spinach, green onions, and spring squash could be bought and stocked up for use the whole week. Likewise, make sure to buy strawberries, apricot, sweet cherries, and other seasonal berries, and use at least one variety every day, suggests She Knows.

Raw Fruit or Vegetable in Meal or Snack

Add one raw vegetable or fruit into your meal or snack every day. Since it would be boring to eat a raw vegetable or a fruit alone, adding it to a meal or a snack would be an interesting option.     

Eat Light Food

It is better to have lighter vegan meal instead of meat and processed food. Add boiled carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and fruits like cucumbers, tomatoes, and zucchini to your diet. These will make you feel light and comfortable since heavy foods, like meat, don't get digested in spring as easily as in winter. Prepare fresh dips of your choice appropriate for your food, instead of using processed sauces. Use wheat breads made of 100 percent whole grains instead of usual white breads. 

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