7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Beans

By Staff Writer | Mar 29, 2015 | 13:26 PM EDT

Beans may be tiny, but they pack a whole lot of punch. Considered by some to be a super food, beans are more than just a meat substitute for vegans and vegetarians alike. It is found to be very beneficial that our current diary guideline asks to consume 1 to 3 cups every week, according to WebMD.

According to an old children's rhyme, we all know that "beans, beans, are good for the heart, but why should we eat more if it makes us fart?"

Here are 7 more reasons why you should incorporate more beans in your diet:

1.) Beans Are High in Fiber

Beans are a prime source of fiber. The amount of fiber you can get in 1 portion depends on the type of beans you use, fiber content may range from 9 to 19 grams per cup, according to Today's Dietitian.

2.) Beans Help Regulate Blood Sugar

Beans have low glycemic index, notes The Globe and Mail. This means that beans minimizes the rise in blood sugar after the meal to reduce the overproduction of insulin. This is good news for diabetics and patients who are prone to high blood pressure.

3.) Beans Are High in Iron

Beans are a rich source of iron and a primary go to for vegans as a vegetable food supplement instead of getting their iron from an animal source, reports The Bean Institute.

4.) Beans Reduce the Risk of Cancer

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, beans are full of B vitamins, folate, and other minerals that are essential in reducing the risk of some cancers. It is also rich in antioxidants, a substance that protects cells from harmful cancer-causing free radicals.

5.) Beans Can Keep Weight in Check

Beans are high in fiber and protein which are important for nutrition and even weight loss. The protein helps in the preservation of lean muscle mass and the fiber keeps you feeling full. But according to an article in Live Strong, overconsumption of beans can offset its weight loss properties so be sure to eat beans in their recommended portion sizes.

6.) Beans Are Good For the Joints

Fiber aside, some beans contain other anti-inflammatory compounds that are great for patients with arthritis. The protein in the beans also improves muscle health by preventing shrinkage and makes muscles stronger allowing joints more movement according to an arthritis diet in Arthritis Foundation.


Beans Help Lower Cholesterol

Beans contain soluble fiber that can help flush out LDL cholesterol in the GI tract before it gets absorbed in the blood. High levels of LDL cholesterol are responsible for causing inflammation and plaque buildup in the blood vessels according to Health.com.

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