8 Weight Loss & Muscle Workouts at Home

By Mai Peralta | Apr 16, 2015 | 07:30 AM EDT

Regular physical activity paired with good eating habits can contribute to weight loss and overall improvement of health, which can consequently help make you feel better. However, not everyone can spare the time to workout in a gym due to a variety of reasons. There are home exercise that utilizes one's own body weight and a wide range of movements in place of gym equipment.

Here are eight quick and easy routines that can build muscle and burn fat that you can do at home.

1.) Push-up

The push up is a common exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, and arms using your own body weight. There are many varieties of how you can do your push-ups, but one thing is for sure - it takes a lot of upper body strength to be able to accomplish one set. According to Men's Fitness, there are 15 variations that you can do to help diversify this routine.

2.) Front Plank

This exercise helps strengthen both the upper body and lower body muscles at the front as well as the midsection. Planking is an isometric exercise that involves contracting your muscles that contribute to strength-training, flexibility, and improving posture, according to Live Strong.

3.) Crunches/Bent-Knee Sit-up

Crunches target the abdominal muscles and improve balance. This exercise can be performed by anyone but if you are suffering from back pain, 30 Day Fitness Challenges recommends performing crunches on a gym ball.

4.) Prone Cobra

This move is a great morning exercise starter. It targets the abdominal muscles as well as the back, according to Men's Health. This exercise can stabilize the spine but if you feel any discomfort or pain, stop immediately and consult with your doctor.

5.) Single Leg Stand

This fitness move helps improve balance and targets the abdominal muscles. This exercise can be modified progressively and can be added with different variations, according to Ace Fitness.

6.) Squat Exercise

Squat is famously known as a leg and butt exercise. Apart from its ability to sculpt the legs and buttocks, it can also improve core strength and symmetry. It also tones the entire body due to its comprehensive ability to utilize the body during the routine, according to Fitness Peak.

7.) Supine Pelvic Tilts

This move strengthens the lower abdominal spine and your abdominal core muscles, according to Core Conditioning. This exercise also improves the mobility of the joints and muscles while increasing the range of motion and functional strength of the body.

8.) Side Lying Hip Abduction

This targets the hips and buttocks and is an effective gluteus medius exercise, according to Mike Reinold. The key to this exercise is keeping the leg straight, not flexing the hip or raising the leg too high.

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