8 Yoga Poses to Effectively Lose Weight

By Staff Writer | May 19, 2015 | 07:48 AM EDT

For some people, yoga is used to achieve peace of mind and relaxation, but did you know you can use various yoga poses to shed off a few extra pounds and stay fit?

A scientific research has backed up yoga as a healthy way to lose weight. According to Daily Mail, a group of patients with coronary heart disease was told to do yoga regularly and put on low-fat vegetarian diet. The result was that more than 20lbs of weight loss was recorded over the 1st year. Five years after, the weight loss was maintained.

Here are 8 yoga poses you can do to achieve weight loss:

1.) Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandraasana)

This is a standing pose that can tone your upper and inner thighs and your buttocks, according to The Health Site. Stand with your feet together, raise your hands above your head with your palms together and stretch as you reach for the ceiling. As you stretch on your sides, you burn off the fat at your sides as well as strengthen your core.

2.) Warrior Pose 1 (Veerbhadrasana)

This pose will help strengthen the buttocks, tummy and thighs. Start by standing with your feet together and hands at the sides. This is similar to the first pose but instead of remaining upright, go into a lunge position with the right foot forward and left leg extended backwards.

3.) Warrior Pose 2 (Veerbhadrasana 2)

This pose helps strengthen the back, the abdomen, thighs and core muscles. Still very similar with the first pose, but instead of raising your arms up, raise them to level with your shoulders. Make a 90 degree angle with your right leg and face towards the side, then transition slowly to the other side after holding the position for a few seconds.

4.) Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

This is a sitting pose that strengthens the core and thigh muscles, and it tones the backside. Start with your feet together, knees slightly bent, put your hands in namaste, hold arms above head and look at thumbs as you hold the position as long as you can.

5.) Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

This pose is great for toning the arms, thighs and abdomen muscles. From its name alone, the tree pose entails that your body should resemble a tree by placing the heel of your foot on your inner thigh and by raising your hands slowly above the head to point at the ceiling. This position is a great way to teach your body to balance.

6.) Forward Bending Pose (Uttanasana)

This pose helps you relax as it stretches your hamstrings. Start by standing straight, bring your hands to the hips, and bend forward slowly. As you are completely folded, touch your palms to the floor and touch your forehead to your knees, then slowly transition to a standing position.

7.) Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana)

This pose benefits your arms, shoulders, thighs, abs, back and buttocks. Start by lying flat on your tummy and pushing your hands off as you extend your toes. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute,  release the pose by dropping to your knees.

8.) Sage Pose (Vasishtasana)

This pose is similar to the plank pose but you use the sides of your body instead. It benefits the muscles of the shoulders, arms and the core. It also improves sense of balance and flexibility.

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