Weight Loss Surgery Found to Improve Intimate Relationships

By Staff Writer | Jun 03, 2015 | 06:11 AM EDT

Undergoing weight loss surgery not only yields numerous health benefits, but also improves intimate relationships, according to a new research.

According to lead researcher Mary Lisa Pories, from East Carolina University, bariatric surgery can bring patients dramatic weight loss and improve romantic relationships among those who are married.

The study was published in Springer's journal Obesity Surgery. For the research, scientists interviewed 10 couples about the effects of the weight loss surgery that one of them has successfully gone through. They were also asked to describe the changes all of them adjusted to within the weeks and months following the surgery.

"All of the couples felt their post-operative success was due to a joint effort on the part of both members of the couple," Pories said, according to Medical Xpress.

Aside from the weight loss adjustment, the couples shared that they adopted new eating habits and had more energy. The researchers also noted that the overall intimacy levels have increased i.e. affection, conflict resolution and sexual intercourse, reports Science Daily.

According to Pories, their study provides helpful insight on the effects of weight loss surgery among couples and could also help health care workers in providing motivational support to their patients.

Bariatric surgery is a weight loss procedure that is usually undertaken by those who are affected by morbid obesity. There are many types of bariatric surgery; the most common and highly preferred by surgeons is gastric bypass, according to Mayo Clinic.

The gastric bypass surgery has two parts. The first one involves "stomach stapling." This procedure creates a pouch to help control the amount of food a patient can take. According to WebMD, a smaller stomach can help a person eat less because it makes them think that their stomach is already full.

The second part of the procedure involves a surgical technique called "Roux-en-Y," which attaches the new stomach pouch farther down the small intestine. This allows the food to quickly pass while restraining the amount of calories and nutrients the body can absorb.

There are complications that patients can experience while recovering from the surgery. Some minor complications include: ulcers, bleeding, digestive problems and wound infections. Only less than 6 percent of patients experience serious complications such as blood clot, serious bleeding or infection, heart attack and leakage.

Other difficulties that can happen after surgery may also include malabsorption of nutrients i.e. iron and calcium, which can then lead to anemia and osteoporosis.

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