8 surprising foods rich in fiber for good bowel movement

By Staff Writer | Sep 08, 2015 | 07:14 AM EDT

A diet high in fiber can help reduce blood glucose and cholesterol levels, prevent colon cancer and basically give your digestive tract a much needed cleanse.

People get by everyday not getting enough fiber in their diet. According to Health, men should get 35 to 40 grams of fiber daily while women should get 25 grams. However, the average person only gets around 15 grams a day, a far cry from the recommended amount.

Dietary fiber is essential for a healthy diet. According to Mayo Clinic, fiber is great for bowel movement but it can also reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and help maintain a healthy weight.

If you're looking to increase your fiber intake, here are 8 foods that are rich in fiber.

1.) Artichokes

These vegetables may look intimidating but they are fairly easy to prepare and cook. According to SF Gate, artichokes are high in fiber with 1/2 cup serving equivalent to seven grams of fiber. These vegetables are also low in calories. Artichokes can be cooked, boiled, baked, or steamed. They also make great side dishes or as an ingredient to more sophisticated meals.

2.) Spinach

Spinach is also a great source of fiber. According to Live Strong, a cup of cooked spinach contains 4 grams of fiber at only 41 calories. Aside from dietary fiber, spinach is a nutritional powerhouse as it contains vitamin C, A, K, folate, iron, phytonutrients and a carotenoid called lutein.

3.) Avocados

According to 3FC, half a medium avocado contains 10 to 13 grams of fiber. Aside from being tasty and being high in other nutrients, it is high in fat. The website recommends putting sliced avocados on a salad to avoid overindulgence.

4.) Black beans

A cup of black beans contain 15 grams of fiber. According to Health, black beans are also high in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory flavonoids that are good for the body.

5.) Apples

According to Everyday Health, medium-sized apples contain 3.5 grams of fiber including the skin. If you're in the habit of peeling of apple skin, you might not want to do it next time. According to the website, the skin contains most of the fiber and is high in disease-fighting polyphenols.

6.) Whole wheat pasta

If you're avoiding white pasta and looking to add more fiber in your diet, whole wheat pasta is your 2-in-1 solution. According to Greatist, a cup of cooked whole wheat pasta contains 6.3 grams of fiber. While substituting this for the white pasta might take getting used to, there are a lot of healthy recipes that you can enjoy.

7.) Brown rice

A cup of brown rice is equivalent to 3.5 grams of fiber. According to Huffington Post, substituting white rice for brown decreases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 11 percent.

8.) Sweet potatoes

According to Eating Well, a medium sized sweet potato including its skin contains 5 grams of fiber at only 103 calories. Additionally, it is also rich in vitamin A, C, E, iron, potassium, and beta carotene.

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