5 healthy snacks to munch on before a flight

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Sep 24, 2015 06:37 AM EDT

Nothing beats a flavorful snack when you're stuck in the tube up in the air. If you're one to travel often but dislike ordering airline food, get inspired and pack any of these healthy snacks to chow down on while waiting to land.

1. Apples and nuts. Enjoy the flavors of fall with lightly salted nuts and an apple. We love apples because of its high fiber content that keeps you fuller for longer. As for nuts, munch on sunflower seeds, almonds, or cashews. Ashley Harris, MS, RD, a registered dietician The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center told CNN, "The complex carbs provide energy, while the protein helps you balance blood sugars and feel full. Nuts are a great source of healthy proteins. Stick to roughly a quarter-cup to keep calories low, adding a piece of fruit for the perfect amount of energy from carbohydrates."

2. Breakfast burrito. Take some leftover grilled chicken from last night, scrambled eggs with some greens (bell peppers or any of your favorite greens), and low-fat cheese and wrap them up in a whole-wheat wrap. You can also make flight attendant Kelly Daniels-Speth Daniels-Speth's version that she recommends to Prevention—"scrambled eggs and bacon (or turkey bacon), and [stuffed] in a whole-wheat wrap with low-fat cheese and avocado."

3. Peanut butter and banana or PB&J, and fruit salad. Daniels-Speth suggests to cut a banana down the middle and spread your favorite peanut butter (or jam, if you're reminiscing about home), and place it into a whole wheat English muffin. Make a fruit or vegetable salad to go as well.

4. Oatmeal. This breakfast food can also serve as a great flight filler. Women's Health suggests sprinkling some crushed nuts on your oatmeal to give you a protein boost.

5. Gluten-free crackers and cheddar cheese. Craving for cheese? Go for the cheese-and-cracker combo. Southwest Airlines flight attendant Nathaniel Smith tells Prevention, "I love them because they satisfy my need for a salty snack, but they're way better for you than chips. It's a great flavor combo that satisfies my urge to snack—and the salt really hits the spot in the air."

If you're in a rush and do not have time to prepare your own snacks, however, CNN reports that some healthy on-the-go meals you can purchase include Dunkin' Donuts Egg White Veggie Flatbread (280 calories), McDonald's Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken (330 calories), and Starbucks Protein Bistro Box (380 calories). Nonetheless, if you want to be sure about what goes into your food, best to prepare them on your own ahead of your flight schedule.

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