5 5-minute yoga poses to energize and start your day right

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Oct 08, 2015 07:05 AM EDT

If stretching your body isn't just enough to jumpstart your day, we recommend doing yoga. In as little as 5 minutes, yoga can help you wake up, stretch and focus in the morning. You'll be pleasantly surprised that you'll be enjoying the benefits of the exercise all day by starting your morning with a simple and relaxing routine.

The first three yoga pose sequences are by Dana Santas, via CNN, the creator of Radius Yoga Conditioning will surely help you start your morning. Before starting, it is imperative that you start with deep breaths to help you create rhythm and awareness of your breathing.

1.) Mountain pose with hands in prayer position

Stand and put your feet a little apart and put your hands together as if in prayer. Make sure to level your elbows with your hands. Breathe in deeply and release tension in jaw, lower back and collarbones. Hold the pose for at least five deep breaths.

2.) Put arms up

Hold the standing position and put both arms up. Keep arms straight as if reaching upward and take three long breaths. When exhaling reach up but keep your gaze straight.

3.) Bend to the sides

While standing, take right wrist with left hand and bend to the left. As you do so, make sure to exhale deeply. Continue gazing forward and take two long breaths. Rise back to original stance on third breath and repeat on the other side.

If you're up to the task of moving on to more basic poses, follow through poses 4 and 5.

4.) Standing forward bend

According to Best Health Mag, all you need to do is exhale and bend forward from the waist. When you go forward, make sure to keep your spine straight, back of your neck relaxed and reach your arms straight down to the floor. You can place your hands on the floor or shin or thighs, depending on your flexibility or comfortability. Gaze directly at the front of your knees or legs and hold. Inhale and bend knees to place your fingers or palms on the floor.

5.) Knees to chest

Start the pose on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. As you lift your feet to put knees against your chest, exhale. Place your hands on shins or knees and relax your lower back and press the upper part of your tailbone toward the floor. Hold position for 10 breaths.

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