5 outdoor exercise perfect for the fall season

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Oct 12, 2015 10:21 AM EDT

No need to step into a gym or to buy expensive equipment to get a full body workout. Make the most out of the cool fall season temperatures with these five outdoor exercises.

1.    Visit your local court

Do you have a basketball or volleyball court located near your home? Allocate 15 minutes to perform these high intensity interval training exercises by Shape.

Sprint towards the longer end of the court then jog backwards to the starting point. Repeat this exercise five times.

Hop towards one end of the court then back to your starting point. You can do a total of 30 hops when you repeat this exercise twice.

Perform side shuffles all the way to the end of the court and back. Repeat this exercise six times.

2.    Take a walk

All Womens Talk recommends making the most out of the cool weather by enjoying a hike up a trail or a more leisurely walk through the park. You can do it alone or bring a friend or your significant partner along for the trip.

When you go for a walk or a jog, remember to dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather. Huffington Post recommends wearing reflective workout clothes and carrying a flashlight on days when you are working out during the wee hours of the morning or late in the afternoon.

3.    Map your exercise

Tanner Martty on Shape suggested creating a game out of your exercise routine. It works similar to a scavenger hunt.

Essentially, you list five to ten exercises and a corresponding landmark. Whenever you see that landmark, you perform whatever exercise you wrote on your list.

For example, you wrote bench as the landmark and pushups as your exercise. Every time you see a bench along the path, you do 10 repetitions of pushups.

According to Shape, it makes your workouts more fun while also training your mind to become more aware of your surroundings.

4.    Go row a boat

This fall season, head for the water and look for rowing classes. Professional athlete Andia Winslow tells Shape that rowing is a great way to get a full body workout.

Rowing exercises your core and legs. According to Shape, a single hour of rowing can burn as much as 800 calories.

5.    Fly on a trapeze

Burn calories while flying through the air by trying out a trapeze workout. There are schools and instructors which offer classes and private instructions.

According to Andia Winslow on Shape, the exercise involves supporting your entire weight and controlling your body in mid-air. An hour of flying and hanging from a bar is enough to burn 500 calories.

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