'Slimming Pill' To Fight Obesity, Heart Disease, Diabetes May Be Available Soon

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Dec 18, 2015 05:30 AM EST

The world is close to having an effective and safe slimming pill that can combat not just obesity, but also other illnesses such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and more.

A lot of people all over the world and a high percentage of these overweight people are suffering from obesity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States alone, 34.9 percent of the population or 78.6 million people are obese.

Obesity is a worldwide condition that should be taken care of immediately. Unfortunately, there is no safe and effective treatment available as of now. The measures for fighting against obesity are very limited to daily exercise and keeping a healthy diet.

The Daily Mail reported that a group of scientists discovered a promising formula to combat obesity. It is stated that they are now one step closer to perfecting the slimming pills they are currently researching after they have found out and understood Cnot7 and Tob, which are genes responsible for making people fat, better.

The research discovered that these fat genes have an impact to the activity of another gene. This another gene is known to be the Ucp1, which is responsible for controlling the Ucp1 protein (different from Ucp1 gene) production.

The Ucp1 protein is sent into the fat cells. It is essential in the process of converting fat into heat, which is helpful in shedding off some pounds.

It is known that obese people have a low concentration of Ucp1 in fat. As a result, their body store fat instead of burning and converting it to energy.

According to Mirror, the research conducted concluded that the mice with less fat genes - Cnot7 and Tob - have great fat burning function while the mice lacking the Ucp1 genes have higher chances of storing fat and getting fatter.

Dr. Takashi Akinori, the lead researcher, said that their team wants to look for the best measure to suppress the pathway that holds back the "fat-to-energy conversion process." He also stated that enhancing one's fat burning functionality can lead to the production of the very first safe and effective anti-obesity drug.

They want to produce a drug that helps people maintain a fit body without having the need to completely avoid and give up the food that they want to eat.

Do you think that the world is really close to having that perfect anti-obesity drug? Tell us your thoughts by commenting below.

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