5 Holiday Detox Foods You Should Try

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Dec 29, 2015 05:30 AM EST

What goes in, must come out. I'm pretty sure that detox plans were the last thing in Mr. Kirchhoff's mind when he devised his famous law in electronics. But, the notion could never make any more sense than this time of the year.

There are just so much of the bad stuff we consume during the holidays that it becomes almost imperative for us to take the time to make up for it. And, to help you with your recovery from overindulgence, here are some of the holiday detox foods you should try.


One of the attributes of the ginger root that could help ease things out inside your digestive system is its natural anti-inflammatory properties. It is referred to as a wonder spice by some people because it is widely used as a spice in many Asian dishes and, as well as, a common folk medicine.

You can sip ginger tea or munch on some ginger candies after overeating in order to combat that bloated feeling and to help you detox. The Chinese have long been using ginger root to help the digestive systems, according to SincerelySavannah.

Lemon Water

Lemon-infused water is also one of the best go-to options to detoxify as citrus fruits are known to be packed with de-limonene, which is an antioxidant that aid the liver from flushing out toxins and also help in improved bowel activities.

You can drink around 8 glasses of lemon water during the day to help stimulate liver enzymes and detoxify, according to MSN Health and Fitness.

Fresh Cranberries

It is just as important to keep yourself hydrated as it is to keep tabs on what you eat during the holidays. But, just as we tend to forget taking in enough glasses of water during the day, foods rich in water can also come in handy.

Food like cranberries are high in natural water content, which aid in urination and removal of toxins, in the process, says CanadianLiving.


Oatmeal is one of the best options you can have to start the following day after overindulging, says Health.com. Just a cup of oatmeal will provide you with the much-needed insoluble and soluble (beta-glucan) fibers to feed the healthy bacteria inside your tummy.

Hibiscus Tea

"When you consume a lot of sodium the body retains fluids, resulting in a paunchy belly. Luckily, there's a simple solution: Sip some hibiscus tea," wrote MSN. The hibiscus plant contains flavonoids that interact with the hormone aldosterone in regulating water and electrolytes balance in the body.

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