'Final Fantasy 15' Release Date & Trailer: Square Enix Confirms 2016 Gameplay on PS4, Xbox One, Developers Fine-Tuning Gameplay

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Jan 04, 2016 06:06 AM EST

Square Enix has confirmed that "Final Fantasy 15" is coming in 2016 and, while there is no actual date of release just yet, the developers assure gaming fans they are working on something that they will be able to "enjoy and treasure."

"Final Fantasy 15" director Hajime Tabata made the announcement in his New Year's message on the Square Enix blog by saying, "We will finally release FFXV this year, in 2016!" He also stated that they are in the "final phase" of the development, which will "focus on effort and willpower."

News of the release of "Final Fantasy 15" came to light in the middle of 2015, with many presuming that the game will be out by 2017, according to Cinema Blend. The speculations followed after the trailer of the game was released in September.

Cinema Blend also reported that Amazon Japan has already placed the release date as June 1, but official word from Square Enix is likely to be in the news by March 2016.

First announced as in development in 2013, "Final Fantasy 15" will be made available for both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles.  It will take cues from "Final Fantasy Versus 13," which was in development as far back as 2006, per Gamespot.

The rebranding to "15" has afforded Square Enix to retain the original gameplay, but additional elements have also been added to fit the current consoles' capabilities. "We considered what was possible with the new-gen hardware, as well as what elements absolutely must be included in XV but might fall through if not given top priority," Tabata said.

"The game was built upon the idea of a road movie to some degree, converting that concept to a game and being able to experience it," said Tabata in another interview with Game Informer in September 2015. "The concept follows around taking a journey."

Game programmer Kitade-san detailed what the developers are now doing in the last few phases of development. "Right now being a programmer I'm concentrating on the design process so that workers can execute it brilliantly with the purpose of getting the best use of the overall title," he said, per Yibada

The news outlet also reported that the game is in its testing phase, with the first half already "fully polished" and the second half being "fine-tuned."  Kitade-san confirmed that outsiders who visited the Square Enix compound were able to test the game and the programmers are taking notes from their experience.

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