Cervical Cancer Incidence Rate Highest Among Latinas; 5 Symptoms to Watch Out For

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Jan 07, 2016 05:00 AM EST

According to the recent survey, several Latinas died of cervical cancer compared to other race such as non-Hispanic whites and African-American.

According to a report by NOLA, in the United States alone, there are about 11,000 patients diagnosed with the disease every year and more than 35 percent died because of it. Now is the best time to raise awareness on cervical cancer. January is Cervical Cancer Month and people should learn more about this deadly disease.

Cervical cancer is a disease arising from the lower part of the uterus, which is called cervix. It normally happens when there are abnormal cells growing in one area that can spread or invade the other parts of the body.

It is really important to get some knowledge about the disease to prevent it from happening. It is said to be the easiest of all cancers to prevent. A woman just needs to make sure she gets a regular Pap tests so that a specialist can determine the early stage of abnormal cells growth before they can be considered as cancer. Early discovery of this disease is very helpful during treatment, which gives high chance of complete recovery.

It has been identified that 6 out of 10 women, who have the disease, have never gone to a medical facility for a Pap test. Lack of screening is one of the major reasons why abnormal cells turn into cancer. There have been different cancer groups who put up TV Ads encouraging women to have Pap test regularly as a preventive measure. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggested that women should start getting Pap tests as soon as they reach their 21st birthday.

Meanwhile, in a report by NEWS, Australian Cervical cancer survivor Melanie Roussin said Pap tests should be free.

"You already have four out of ten women who are not doing their regular pap tests. Adding a cost will only create an extra barrier that we don't need," Roussin explained. "It's going to cost more money to treat women with cervical cancer in the long term."

There have already been a lot of discussions on what causes cervical cancer. There are early symptoms like the irregular bleeding, which is the most common one.

Here are the other four symptoms to watch out for, according to Health Line:

  •  vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor
  •  pain during sex
  •  problems urinating
  •  watery vaginal discharge

It is highly advisable to get a Pap test once you experience any of the symptoms.

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