Best Hangover Cure? Try These 5 Latino Food for Remedy

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Jan 13, 2016 05:46 AM EST

You go out and have a bout of that good ole drinking with friends to unwind and just have a good time, only to wake up the next morning with you having a bad headache and feeling sick. Yeah, hangovers... the bane of your life.

We all have different ways of dealing with hangovers. But, for people from South America, there is nothing like beating that morning misery while having a bowl of their favorite Latino food. Check out these five Latin dishes for your hangover cure.

Venezuela's Chupe de Gallina

This broth-based soup are made up, primarily, of garlic, chicken, corn, potatoes, onion and sometimes milk, and cubed cheese (optional). The chicken meat and potatoes are cut in small cubes that adds flavor to this yummy soup, according to the Latin Times. The Chupe de Gallina is similar to sancocho, which is another delicious stew from Latin America.

Mexican Menudo

While this dish from Mexico may not be for everyone's taste, menudo is still the go-to hangover cure for some people. This dish is made up of beef tripe stewed in red chili and broth. Lime, onions, cilantro, oregano and chili peppers are added to give the soup its strong, but very tasty flavor. According to Cosmopolitan, the high fat content in the soup because of the tripe coats the lining of your stomach and helps in relieving one's gastric problems, such those brought about by a late night's heavy drinking.

Bolivia's Fricasé

One article from the Matador Network, describes the fricase as one of Bolivia's most potent hangover foods. It is a typical dish served during lunch in the country and also referred to as aslevanta muertos, or the "raising of the dead."

It will wake up every one of your senses with its spicy and pork flavor. It is a spicy yellow chili, garlic, and cumin-infused pork stew, thickened with crumbled bread, hominy, and potato, says Matador Network.

Puerto Rico's Asopao

"It is a stew made with chicken, shrimp or gandules that is thickened with rice and flavored with sofrito (onion, green pepper, chili peppers, cilantro, garlic and dried oregano) and adobo (garlic, pepper, salt, dried oregano, paprika)," wrote Latina. This dish, which is loved by many Puerto Ricans, resembles risotto and gumbo.

Colombia's Sancocho de Costilla

This is one complete soup that is very easy to make, according to the Latin Times. This flavorful stew is made up of potatoes, green bananas, yucca, corn on the cob and beef chops; and is best served with rice. You can check out this recipe for Sancocho.

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