Planning to go Under the Knife? Here's 5 Plastic Surgery Trends in 2016 to Watch out for

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Jan 20, 2016 05:31 AM EST

Summer is just a few months away. To get that bikini body you have always dreamed about, here are five plastic surgery trends you may want to consider.

1.    Smaller breasts

Fashion Times recently conducted an interview with cosmetic surgery specialist and innovator Dr. Norman Rowe. Dr. Rowe says in 2016, more patients will be asking for smaller implants.

Implants made of silicone are expected to remain more popular than saline. An alternative is to transplant fat found elsewhere in the body although Dr. Rowe says this still depends if the patient has excess fat.

According to American Spa, the use of one's own fat is seen as beneficial for the patient as it allows for a quicker recovery rate.

2.    Labiaplasty

Experts say that surgery around the female's genitalia is becoming more popular. NHS statistics indicate that the number of patients opting for this procedure has ballooned to five times within just 10 years.

Sun credits this boom due to the popularity of tight-fitting clothes. The typical procedure in the U.K. costs between £1,000 and £3,000.

Non-invasive procedures are being developed to meet the demand. The Mona Lisa Touch uses lasers to stimulate the body into producing more collagen and reverse the effects of vaginal atrophy.

Another relatively painless procedure is known as the O-Shot. Doctors inject blood plasma into the female's genital area to encourage the growth of new cells, keeping the vagina hydrated and more sensitive.

3.    Larger buttocks

Dr. Douglas Steinbrech from Gotham Plastic Surgery in Manhattan says there will be a greater demand for augmented derriere. According to the surgeon, the uptrend can be credited to Kim Kardashian's rear.

"People don't want to be top heavy. For 2016 buttocks are the new breasts," Dr. Steinbrech said on the New York Daily News.

4.    Lip enhancement

Kim Kardashian's half-sister, Kylie Jenner, is giving another aspect of cosmetic surgery an even bigger boost. According to the NY-based publication, 43 percent of plastic surgeons received more inquiries in 2015 on how to make their lips more luscious and plumper.

5.    Facial tweaks

According to the New York news magazine, 68 percent of doctors expect more people to inquire for more work done around the neck and chin area. Dr. Steinbrech says the popularity of selfies has made this all possible.

"People are looking at themselves every single day and are much more critical of themselves and they want themselves to look better," the surgeon told reporters.

The UK-based publication says the Kybella makes it possible.

A syringe containing deoxycholic acid is injected into the patient. The acid melts the fat, making it easier for the body to absorb the fat.

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