Donald Trump Has a Mental Disorder, Neuroscientist Claims

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Jan 20, 2016 05:21 AM EST

A neuroscientist claimed that billionaire businessman Donald Trump has a mental disorder, and therefore, is unsafe to become a world leader.

According to an article by Raw Story, Harvard professor and researcher Howard Gardener said that Donald Trump is a "textbook" narcissist. The symptoms are reportedly so obvious that U.S. psychologists agree that Trump is under the same behavioural category like Napoleon Bonaparte, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi.

This puts a lot of questions for the voters who will determine the winner for this year's election. If Trump was put in the White House, many are wondering whether he will act as an ally to his people or as a dictator who is unwilling to compromise.

For those who are wondering, what exactly are the symptoms of the narcissistic personality disorder? According to Pysch Central, this disorder is characterized by "an overwhelming need for admiration." People who have this disorder usually lack empathy toward other people. Behavioural traits include snobbishness, patronizing attitude and dismissive attitude.

Mayo Clinic stated that people with this kind of disorder may cause many problems in areas of their lives such as work, personal relationships, school and finances. People diagnosed with this disorder may grow unhappy when they are not given the kind of special treatment and admiration they think they deserve.

"He's very easy to diagnose. In the first debate, he talked over people and was domineering. He'll do anything to demean others, like tell Carly Fiorina he doesn't like her looks. 'You're fired!' would certainly come under lack of empathy. Moreover, he wants to deport immigrants, but [two of] his wives have been immigrants," psychotherapist Charlotte Prozan said of Trump.

Although Trump has a lot of haters, the mogul found a new supporter in Sarah Palin. New York Times reported that the former governor of Alaska and 2008 vice-presidential nominee gave her thumbs up for Trump in Iowa.

"Are you ready for the leader to make America great again? Are you ready to stump for Trump? I'm here to support the next president of the United States - Donald Trump," Palin said while she stood beside Trump for a rally at the Iowa State University.

Thus far, Palin is the highest-profile person who announced support for the presidential candidate. It's not clear what kind of impact this will bring from the Republican. However, since Palin has spent several years developing a network of supporters in Iowa, this endorsement may be helpful for Trump.

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