Top 5 Fitness Apps for iPhone, Android Smartphones This 2016

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Feb 01, 2016 05:30 AM EST

So many apps, so little storage. And even if your smartphone or gadget boasts of a large memory, it's just not practical to download as many as you want from a bazillion of fitness apps out there to help you out with your workout routines and weight loss goals.

We have compiled some of the top fitness apps this 2016 to save you from the dilemma of choosing the right one for you. All of them can be downloaded for free, but you can also opt for the paid and premium versions.


Jefit is an ideal companion whenever you go to the gym or fitness center. It allows you to develop your own workout routines from a database of numerous workout routines for different targeted areas of the body, says Tom's Guide.

It also lets you monitor and track your progress by logging your sets and reps. You will never miss a station in the gym again, or get confused with your workout schedule with the Jefit serving as an ideal fitness tool.

The Johnson & Johnson Official 7-Minute Workout

We are pretty sure you have heard of the 7-minute workout, but Johnson & Johnson's is the official one developed by no less than the man behind the original concept, Chris Jordan, C.S.C.S. As the name suggests, the 7-minute workout is perfect for those who want to incorporate fitness into their very busy schedule.

Some of the routines include pushups, crunches, plank, side plank, jumping jacks and high-knee running in place. With its "Smart Workout" feature, the app can gauge one's fitness level to suggest the right intensity of the workout for you, wrote Men's Fitness.


"Couch to 5K does exactly what you would expect it to - trains you from sitting on the couch to running a 5K, says Pocket-Lint. "The idea is that you use this app for 20 to 30 minutes, three times a week and by the end of your nine weeks coaching, you'll be able to complete a 5K race."

The C25K also has an in-app music player and it also logs your distance and pace. It has a GPS support, as well, to map your route.


This app will help you monitor your calorie intake and the amount of these calories that you burn. It comes in handy if you want to monitor your diet. It has a simple interface and has a very large database of foods and drinks, according to PC Mag. 


This app allows you to track your daily activities, such as walking and running, as well as keep tabs of your water and food intake. People mostly use the app as a pedometer to log the number of steps they take daily.

"Fitness tracking is more fun when you're competing with friends," says CNET. "Competing with friends, family members and colleagues will help keep you motivated to walk that extra mile."

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