WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton to fund overseas abortion

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Nov 02, 2016 12:36 AM EDT

As the elections are nearing, issues regarding the candidates are also wide spreading. Recently, the email account of John Podesta, the campaign chairman of Hillary Clinton is out to the public. Emails regarding Clinton's relationship of the abortion lobby have been exposed.

John Podesta's email reveals the tight relationship between Hillary Clinton and the abortion lobby that would help the United States funding of abortion overseas regardless of any moral protections from the faith- based group.

The emails have been revealed by the WikiLeaks from Jennifer Klein. She is a Georgetown associate law professor who is now advising Clinton on issues in relation to women as she did before Clinton was the secretary of the State.

Jennifer Klein points out to John Podesta that she has been talking with the Planned Parenthood officials with regards their discussion with the White House staff Tina Tchen. The conversation is in relation to the Obama administration's desire to keep a moral clause intact in the 1973 Helms Amendment.

The Amendment stated that a longstanding United States law that bars U.S. funding of abortions overseas. Though Obama wanted the U.S. funding abortion overseas, he still did not push through considering the conscience protections far the faith groups. Meanwhile, Jennifer Klein talks about Hillary Clinton manipulating the amendment.

In a report by Breit Bart, where the conversation was posted, Jennifer Klein concluded that "these changes are a problem, as a matter of substance and also as a matter of politics (including for H). As I said, my intelligence suggests that the groups have effectively stopped this from going forward, but I wanted to be sure you are aware."

However, Hillary Clinton vowed to abolish the Hyde Amendment, it prohibits the taxpayer funding of abortions in the United States, it can also allow more access to abortion for low-income black and Hispanic women. as follows, Clinton affirms that unborn babies do not have constitutional rights, according to DC Watchdog.

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