When Daylight Saving Time Starts? 6 Tips On How to Use Your Extra Hour Best

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Nov 04, 2016 01:54 AM EDT

The epic idea of saving daylight was first introduced by Benjamin Franklin.  Just reset the clock and enjoy one hour more of glorious sleep and wake up fresh next morning for all day's work.

Germany was the first country to step ahead and make the best use of the idea in May, 1916. It was World War 1 time and fuel saving was the major concern!

United States followed the new trend of saving daylight and candles in 1918. However, according to TimeandDate, fewer than 40% of the world's countries observe DST.

Adding one more hour in your day time is a bonus in winter when the days get extremely short and you cannot just complete the things you listed.

Now, with one extra hour at hand, get with many little things done. Here are six the most important ones:

  1. Get your car's tires inflated to make a safer journey in snow especially on holidays. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has warned all the drivers to keep their car tires fully inflated to let them run for a longer time and save them from blowing out.
  2. Update your medicine cabinet. Take out the old expired drugs and get over the counter drugs that you often need in winter like cough syrup, anti-flu medicine, pain killer etc.
  3. To protect your roof better in the winter, clean the gutters. The melting snow must find an easy flow down.  You may find year-end promotions at many gutter cleaning service providers.
  4. Check and review your medical insurance policies and make necessary changes you need. From November 1st to January 31st the medical insurance enrolment is open.
  5. The setting of November is high time to check with CPA. You must complete everything before new year night because you may qualify for 2016 tax deduction or credits.
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