Three Cups Of Coffee Helps Cure Alzheimer, Really? [Study]

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Dec 19, 2016 08:38 AM EST

Most of the people love enjoying a sip of two of their favorite caffeinated drink. But what most don't know is that drinking at least three cups of coffee can work wonders for their brain.

In one of the recent researches, it has been seen that drinking coffee has a good impact on Alzheimer disease as well as on the function of the brain. A new study from the Institute of  Scientific Information on Coffee stated that people who usually drink at least 3 to 5 cups of coffee daily might suffer from a lower risk of dementia, Parkinson and Alzheimer disease.

Professor  Rodrigo A of Cunha University, Portugal stated, "Moderate coffee consumption could play a significant role in reducing cognitive decline which would impact health outcomes and healthcare spending".

Interestingly, the ideal combination of antioxidants, caffeine and polyphenol, that are usually present in coffee are the contributing factor in this research. The report further stated caffeine's role in controlling the decline in cognitive behavior, especially in the case of aging men.

Now, there might be people who are wondering about the health issues it might concern due to drinking caffeine. But the study shows that a person can easily drink 400 milligrams of coffee, which is equivalent to five cups a day. Consuming five cups of coffee controls Alzheimer and doesn't cause any health concerns.

Experts and other studies also show that long intake of caffeine drinks tend to have a good impact to fill body with strong antioxidants that again boost up the cognitive functions. An analysis funded by six of Europe's coffee companies found that consuming coffee also has good impact on Parkinson and other neurological diseases.

Some early studies showed that drinking excessive coffee could trigger miscarriage during early stage of the pregnancy. But the latest researches and studies show drinking more than one cup of coffee a day doesn't cause any health issues and reduces Alzheimer.

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