Mysterious Radio Signals Deteced: Is there any Extraterrestrail Life in Deep Space? Is there any Possibility that they might Contact Us?

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Dec 26, 2016 07:06 AM EST

Searching for extraterrestrial life has been one of the motives behind researchers in outer space. Researchers, Scientists, Astronomers and other hosts are investigating for extraterrestrial life, however, the signals are sometimes too feeble. Finally, scientists have intercepted mysterious signals waves of Fast Radio Bursts.

Scientists at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico and Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia have reportedly received mysterious six waves of FRBs or Fast Radio Bursts which is expected to originate from Auriga Constellation which is situated approximately three billion light-years away from Planet Earth. As mentioned by Gizmodo. Although, it is not the first time that these signals are detected.

The speculations have started gathering around the recent discovery where the astronomical community are discussing the origin of the alien signal. A Fast Radio Bursts that have been intercepted are assumed to enclose massive power which is about the same energy emitted by the Sun in a Month and that FRBs can also be created due to stellar collisions which made the six waves too mysterious.

Earth is the most appropriately placed planet for life, however, scientists could not eliminate the probability of extraterrestrial life and hence, it has become a bigger part of scientific researchers. FRBs were explained in 2015 by physicist John Learned and astronomer Michael Hipple who characterized it as either burst of radio waves or it can be the result of a spy satellite that. Although the probability of aliens trying to establish contact with humans. Some researchers have pointed out their worries concerning with the origin of the detected signal stating that it could be dangerous to make contact with extraterrestrial beings.

The Mail Online further elaborated that the research is conducted by McGill University in Montreal which detected six radio bursts where one wave was off 1.4 Ghz and other five were off 2 GHz. In total, 17 FRBs were detected from the same source touted as FRB 121102 including 11 outbursts recorded earlier. The flare from young neutron star is a possible candidate, however, nothing is yet confirmed.

After the previous encounter with similar waves, researchers option for SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) that investigated further and hence, they might deploy SETI to help the once again. There are many theories and hypothesis regarding how an alien could be. It could be dangerous, however, Former Director and Co-Founder of SETI Institute, Jill Tarter says that if aliens can travel across light-years to meet humans, they could be peace-loving beings and sophisticated.

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